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The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

Daniel Lopez, Author

All content by Daniel Lopez

University begins search for official nickname

Daniel Lopez
May 11, 2004

California State University, Sacramento is often called avariety of names such as Sac State, or CSUS, but now the school isattempting to end the confusion by finding a common title. Students, faculty,...

RWEC passes with 55.2 percent of vote

Daniel Lopez
April 28, 2004

Now that students have passed Measure 1, Sacramento State is setto build one of the largest construction projects in recenthistory. In what was a record amount of ballots cast, more thanhalf of the students...

Bill would have outlawed ‘convenience’ fee charge

Daniel Lopez
April 27, 2004

A bill that would have preventedthe State of California from charging "convenience"fees for credit card transactions was brought to a grinding haltthis month in the state senate. "The billis dead for the...

Survey shows inadequate policies for sexual assaults

Daniel Lopez
April 20, 2004

A survey of 52 colleges and universities throughout the state ofCalifornia found that a number of institutions are not providingthe adequate amount of training and financing needed to promotesexual assault...

What’s on your plate?

Daniel Lopez
April 13, 2004

Sacramento County inspectors found violations in campusrestaurants such as cross contamination of foods, improper foodstorage and an unclean ice machine, while some workers were notedfor not washing their...

221 registered sex offenders living near campus

Daniel Lopez
April 1, 2004

A battle is brewing in California between the right of privacyand the public's right to know. If passed, AB 488 will allow Sacramento State students andothers in the community with access to the Internet,...

Sen. Barbara Boxer visits campus

Daniel Lopez
March 26, 2004

Behind a crowd of supporters at Sacramento State, in what washer second day of a 13-stop tour, Sen. Barbara Boxer highlightedthe issues that will drive her campaign for the next eightmonths. Health Insurance,...

Campus police hold forum, address residents’ safety concerns

Daniel Lopez
March 10, 2004

A group of about 15 Sacramento State students met in Sutter Hall and shared their concerns about campus safety with Lt. Daniel Davis and Chief Ken Barnett of the University Police Department. - The purpose...

University spends $197,000 on bus that hasn’t arrived

Daniel Lopez
March 3, 2004

Usually when a bus is late passengers can blame the driver, but not in the case of an order placed by Sacramento State University for a new shuttle.-- - According to the office of Budget Planning and Administration,...

Motorcycle crash takes life of Sac State student

Daniel Lopez
February 25, 2004

"He grew up around the world," said Tom Albrecht, about his son TJ Albrecht, a Sacramento State student who died in a fatal motorcycle accident on Feb. 5 at the age of 21. - -Albrecht was born on May 5,...

Counterfeit permits keep officials busy

Daniel Lopez
February 25, 2004

Sacramento State students find many ways to save money, but some students have taken frugality to a new level by turning to counterfeiting. University Transportation and Parking Services have issued at...

International students will pay $100 increase

Daniel Lopez
February 11, 2004

New costs associated with the Student Exchange and Visitor Information System will be passed onto international students attending schools around the country. SEVIS helps track international students in...

Grace period shortened for parking fines

Daniel Lopez
February 4, 2004

Back to school means back to parking mayhem for more than 28,000 Sacramento State students who search through a sea of cars while trying to make it to class on time. University Transportation and Parking...

Follow the yellow tactile road

Daniel Lopez
January 28, 2004

Like the beginning of any semester at Sacramento State, lines are forming all over campus - at the bookstore, the admissions and records office, the financial aid office --- but this Spring new lines will...

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