Driver arrested for DUI on campus in final week of instruction

Emily Rabasto - The State Hornet

A facilities management crew stands in front a pile of damaged guard rails after a driver collided with them and a fire hydrant on Thursday morning. The driver was arrested for driving under the influence according to Sgt. Jeff Reinl of Sacramento State Police.

A man was arrested for driving under the influence Thursday after colliding with and damaging several yellow bollards and a fire hydrant on State University Drive outside of Del Norte Hall, according to University police.

Emily Rabasto – The State Hornet
A suspect is detained and handcuffed after failing a field sobriety test administered by campus police on Thursday. The suspect collided with several yellow bollards and a fire hydrant on State University Drive outside of Del Norte Hall.

The man was handcuffed and led into a police vehicle after failing a field sobriety test, according to Sgt. Jeff Reinl of Sacramento State Police.

Reinl could not confirm if the driver was a student.

No other vehicles or pedestrians were involved in the incident.