Man on the street: What’s the best part of a sandwich?

Cody Powell-McClintick and Jane Park

 photo afef8e1c-fd13-451b-9135-05361d9fa504_zps5d6d9055.jpgName: Gabriel Ortiz

Sophomore, mechanical engineering

Ingredient: Teriyaki

Type: Subway sweet onion chicken teriyaki

Reason: “It’s very flavorful, and the teriyaki goes quite well with the cheese.”












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Sinnai Jimenez

Graduate senior, communication studies

Ingredient: Tomato

Type: Subway turkey sandwich

Reason: “Tomato makes sandwich juicy and gives a healthy kick to the sandwich.”











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Jaimee Ohlandt

Junior, psychology

Ingredient: Bread

Type: Open to all sandwiches/ no preference

Reason: “Bread changes the way the sandwich tastes, offering a range of tastes, while being the foundation of the sandwich – brings everything together.”










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Allison Pokorny

Sophomore, film

Ingredient: Salami

Type: Toast with mayo and mustard with deli meat and cheese

Reason: Really likes salami, especially preferred in a panini.