Associated Students’ A-Team taking donations for baskets

State Hornet Staff

Associated Students Inc.’s A-Team at Sacramento State will be spreading the Thanksgiving spirit to the less fortunate with their upcoming Thanksgiving Food Basket Drive.

Student life and service director Davin Brown said ASI started the food basket drive in 2006 and has donated baskets to community centers and schools across Sacramento ever since.

Brown said the program was started to give students a chance to participate in community service that gives back to Sacramento residents. Sororities, fraternities and clubs on campus are given informa- tion about the process through the Student Organization and Leadership Office.

Donating is not limited to students, as faculty are also able to collaborate with their department to donate one or multiple

baskets to the drive. Students do not have to contribute an entire basket worth of food to participate since they will be able to donate non-perishable canned foods until Nov. 8 at the ASI Hotspot in The Union.

Each food basket will contain an assortment of all the holiday goodies a family needs to create their own Thanksgiving dinner such as pumpkin pie mix, stuffing and cranberry sauce.

Although there are other times during the year ASI gives donations to the community, the Thanksgiving Food Basket Drive gives contributors a chance to personalize their donations with their own pictures or drawings.

ASI will provide supplies for contributors looking to decorate their baskets on Nov. 13 and 14.

The opportunity to decorate these baskets is open to everyone on campus. If a student has a few free hours they are welcome to come by the ASI office and help out with decorating.

Miguel Razo can be reached at [email protected]

Beth Jones can be reached at [email protected]