Movie Review: Shutter Island

Erin Rogers

Martin Scorses’s “Shutter Island,” based on the 2003 fiction novel of the same name by Dennis Lehane, follows U.S. Marshall Teddy Daniels, played by Leonardo Dicaprio, as he goes to Shutter Island Ashecliffe hospital to investigate the disappearance of criminally disturbed patient.

Set in 1954, Daniels travels with partner Chuck Aule, played by Mark Ruffalo, on a ferry in the choppy waters of the Atlantic Ocean to Shutter Island.

Foghorn sounds are greatly dramatized throughout the movie to add suspense.

Daniels and his partner reach the gates of Shutter Island to find a well-manicured facility of nicely trimmed rose bushes and red brick buildings.

Off in the distance is “Building C,” which appears to be a medieval castle that looks as if it hasn’t been remodeled since the Renaissance.The worst-of-the-worst patients are kept in “Building C” and Daniels has absolutely no access to this building or the patients held within.

Throughout the movie, Daniels is faced with haunting images of his wife’s death in his dreams and at one point she tries to give him advice about the missing patient.The dreams seem awkward, out of place and honestly strange.These hallucinations cause him to combine reality with his own fantasy; he lost what was real and what wasn’t.Scorsese did a nice job depicting Daniels’ emotions throughout the film.During the worst part of the storm, he faces his worst series of hallucinations and truly begins to lose his mind.As the storm lightens, he starts to reach conclusions in his investigations and he begins putting the pieces together.

This is definitely a movie that keeps you guessing until the end.All of his unclear flashbacks are finally explained and the true reason as to why he was brought to the island is exposed.

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