Staying fit can be fun
September 17, 2009
Students thinking of joining a new club should take a swing with the members of the Tennis Club.
Two students, Kristy Lyons and James Wilson, who simply wanted a reason to play tennis more often, decided to reestablish the Tennis Club last fall.
Lyons said that the club was disbanded in 2006 because the president at the time could no longer keep it running.
Lyons, senior family and consumer science major and club president, said there is no requirement to join and that the club has all levels of players.
“You can come out whenever you want. It’s when you have time and it’s based on your schedule,” she said. “If you can’t come out this semester, great, come back next semester. It’s just for fun.”
A normal club meeting consists of tournament discussion, practice time, fundraisers and other miscellaneous updates.
Club member Lauren Robinson, sophomore international business major, said she played tennis all throughout high school and wanted to continue playing in college.
“Sac State’s tennis team is really competitive and hard to get on so I wanted to try something a little bit more laid back,” she said. “(The club) gives me a chance to be active when I don’t really want to be. I also get to go out and meet some cool people when I play.”
The club meets 3 to 5 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the campus’ tennis courts, 8:30 to 10 p.m. on Wednesdays at McKinley Park, and 10 a.m. to noon on Fridays at the tennis courts.
Jonathan Jonas, sophomore English and anthropology major, said the club is for anyone who has a love for tennis.
Lyons said students who are interested in joining the club can show up to a practice where an officer will be available to answer questions.
Those who are interested in joining can e-mail the club at [email protected].
Amber Wertman can be reached at [email protected]