Santa is a flabby joke

Vanessa Guerrero

It’s that time of the year again, a time when Jesus was born, yet no one cares, and pimp Santa Claus takes all the attention.

Saint Nicholas, the saint from Turkey, whom advertisers connect with Santa Claus-our present day capitalist Icon famous for promoting materialism, was known for giving gifts secretly. Coins were amongst the gifts he placed on people’s shoes. This Nick was famous in the eastern part of Europe and his tradition became well known in the United States in the early 19th century to present time. Now, the fat man in the red suit has become an Icon all over the Americas.

The chat amongst the crowd is hardly of the nativity, but more so on “what is Santa going to bring you for Christmas?” as if this icon really exists. Little children are told that a man will fly to their roof and drop down the chimney, take out a sack of presents and deliver their ultimate wish. Let’s not forget the famous reindeer he has enslaved to carry his fat tush “around the world”. I don’t know who was smoking while telling this tale, but parents use this famous legend as an explanation for Christmas. What ever happened to the actual saint?

For those students who still believe Santa is real, I am sorry to be the one to break it to you, but he is not. You can be naughty or nice this Christmas Eve, without the worry of receiving a lump of coal under your tree.

Consumerism has taken over the ultimate holiday that once brought peace and love to families. It has been replaced with anxious overspending that results in debt. Does Santa help those in debt? Uh, no.

Santa is solely an advertising campaign to sell, sell, and sell. Santa is at the supermarket, the mall, the television, Hollywood, on the neighbors front lawn and roof, the radio and eventually planted in the minds of society to then pass this legend to their children.

Sorry Jesus, fake Santa is coming to town.

Vanessa Guerrero can be reached at [email protected]