Sac State salary database

Sac State salary database

Sac State salary database

Chloe Daley and Isela Reyes

Students can now know all state workers’ salaries, including faculty, administration and staff with just one click, thanks to the Sacramento Bee’s database.

Or perhaps no thanks.

With recent state workers protesting at the Bee it is clear the information comes a little too close to home. It is public record, but some question the Bee’s motives, others say it is a necessary public benefit.

One thing is clear, the statistics are surprising when it comes to Sacramento State faculty. So many variables effect salaries from the economy to number of classes taught.

The State Hornet decided to deliver the raw numbers.

The catch? Only full time faculty members are listed. That cuts about half of the professors you see on a daily basis.

Depending on the hiring date, experience and the job market among other things, salaries in some departments can range from $50,00 to $100,00. For example, only three of the seven of the listed full-time faculty salaries appeared in the Speech Pathology department. That makes the average salary $85,192.

Why is this? From apathy to outrage, the campus community gave its thoughts. Give yours by emailing [email protected].

Chloe Daley and Isela Reyes can be reached at [email protected].

Click here to view the Sacramento Bee’s salary database.