Student quotes: Hornet football

Galen Kusic

As the Hornet football team gets ready for the first home game of the season against Big Sky Conference opponent Northern Arizona, students have a mixed reaction to going out and supporting the team.

“I was thinking about going, as long as nothing else is going on,” freshman Phil Harbit said. “I haven’t really followed the team. It’s my first year here.”

Others are very excited and ready to support the Hornets on every play.

“My friend Evander plays, so I’m going to every home game this season,” freshman liberal studies major Alena Leon Guerrero said. “My other friend is going too; we’re planning on supporting them together all season.”

Other students just don’t know what time or when the game is, but remain loyal fans.

“I’ll probably go; my little man likes to check out the games,” Michael McAmis, junior psychology major, said. “I just didn’t know when it was. I haven’t been able to follow it much, but I know they lost a close game recently.”

Other students have no interest or knowledge of the team whatsoever.

“I don’t follow it,” Regina Quezada, junior history major, said. “I’m probably not gonna go. I’m just not a football fan.”

“I hadn’t really thought about it at all,” freshman pre-nursing major Evelyn Munoz said.

The issue of school spirit has been a problem on campus for the past few years. Athletics, the football team and coaches would like to see that change, starting with the first home game. Students would as well.

“Hopefully they win and it can boost school spirit around here,” Adam Gabbard, freshman business marketing major, said. “I’ll probably go – it’s just I don’t know much about the team. If I do go it will be with some people.”

The game will be on Saturday at 2:05 p.m. in the Hornet Stadium.

Contact Galen Kusic at [email protected]