Summer fashions-what not wear

Oneika Richardson

It’s that time of year again, folks. The sun is starting to come out, the weather is starting to warm up and people are starting to dress worse and worse as the days go by.

Spring dress code violations are all around us, lurking around every corner. At the risk of sounding sexist, it’s mainly the women I see who are making these violations, but I will not forget the men out there.

I’ll start with flip-flops. Whether we call them thongs or sandals, we are all familiar with them. When you choose to put on flip-flops, please actually take notice of your feet, and more importantly, your heels. This spring, I don’t want to see any ashy heels, or ashy feet, for that matter. It only takes a couple of minutes to hit your feet up with lotion.

Now for the ladies, it is expected that you’re going to wear toenail polish. However, it is not expected that you wear the same coat of polish for six weeks. If I have to see one more chipped pink toenail, I’m going to start randomly referring these girls to my pedicurist.

And don’t think you’re slick by trying to paint over the old polish with new polish. That is lazy and just plain tacky. I know, I’ve done it myself. Go to the salon and get a pedicure. Believe me, you’ll be glad you did. It makes a world of difference.

I don’t believe a man should ever wear sandals. I’m also strongly against pedicures for men, but if you must wear sandals, please make sure that whatever fungus, gangrene or athlete’s foot you’ve got growing on your feet is cleared up. No one wants to see that and furthermore, I’d like to keep my lunch down. Undeclared freshman Christina White said she thinks men should cool it with the flip-flops.

“I don’t like men in flip flops,” White said.

Ahh Spandex, how I hate thee. Let me count the ways. I honestly don’t think Spandex flatters anyone, period. I don’t care how often you’ve been to the gym this semester, and I couldn’t care less about how great your butt looks. The truth of the matter is, if you’re wearing Spandex, you may as well be committing fashion suicide. Trust me, it’s hard to make a comeback from a Spandex mishap.

Junior construction major Adrian Cole said, “Some people just shouldn’t be wearing Spandex.”

I know, I know. It’s in style: the cute little leggings underneath the short, short skirts, but ladies trust me, it borders on looking a little hood-ratish.

Being a thick girl myself, I know the limitations fashion has placed on me. There are just some things I shouldn’t be wearing. That’s why I’m going to draw attention to all the thick ladies out there. It would be in your best interests to buy jeans that fit. You’re not fooling anyone into thinking you’re thinner by wearing smaller jeans. The only person you’re fooling is yourself if you actually think no one is going to notice that extra layer of back fat.

Now don’t jump all over me! I have back fat. I also wear jeans that fit.

Bras aren’t a tricky thing. But walking around on campus, I would beg to differ. I can’t stand it when a girl wears the wrong style bra with her tank top. If you have a T-back tank top, don’t pull out that old, classic, beige bra. You know which one I’m talking about. Ladies, we all have that beige bra. Please spring for a convertible bra. Vickie’s Secret has them for under $40.

My point is: before you leave the house, put some thought into your wardrobe.

“Don’t walk out the house if you haven’t looked down,” said senior Erin Davis, communication studies major.

Oneika Richardson can be reached at [email protected]