Documentary to talk about profits in Iraq

Josh Staab

The new documentary “Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers” is debuting at 6:30 p.m. Friday in Sacramento State’s Hinde Auditorium. The event is being hosted by the Sacramento Progressive Alliance.

“Iraq for Sale” is the third documentary by Robert Greenwald, the director of “Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price,” “Outfoxed” and “Uncovered.”

According to the documentary’s website, the film revolves around the lives of people who have been affected by benefiting financially on the rebuilding of the nation. The film also investigates the ties between private companies and policy makers about Iraq.

The film is 75 minutes long and is free to Sac State students. Free popcorn and drinks will be available for students who attend the film. Paul Burke, a sociology professor, will be on hand to answer question pertaining to the film when it concludes. For more information on the event students can contact Burke at 916-391-0737, or at [email protected].

Josh Staab can be reached at [email protected]