Bras: your friend and mine

Linda Le

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Breasts: They come in different shapes and sizes and need “protection.”

Bras are what provide the coverage, support and lift that breasts need. Bras are defined in many different ways, and for most women, it is a necessity in any wardrobe. Bras can even make a woman feel sexy in sweats, knowing she’s wearing a lacy or sexy bra underneath. That is the power of the bra.

Dottie Kishbaugh, manager for Victoria’s Secret in Downtown Plaza said, “Bras give women a sense of feeling dressed under what they are wearing.”

It’s pretty tough trying to imagine life without the bra. Think of how life would be wearing a steel corset all day. That was the alternative for women before the bra was invented.

Women in the 1800’s had to undergo “corset training” which squeezed their waist sizes so low it caused ribs and internal organs to become deformed. Girls as young as 4 years old would begin corset training so they could achieve 13-inch waists by the time they became women.

Fortunately, the bra was finally invented. It was originally named the brassiere which comes from an old French word for upper arm. The word brassiere was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 1912. It underwent many changes before it became what we now consider the modern day bra.

Now there are a huge variety of bras to choose from. There are push-up bras, under-wire bras, full cups and the demi (covers part of the breast for more plunging necklines).

Kishbaugh said their most popular and best selling bras are the push-up bras. Kishbaugh said, “Most women look for a good push-up bra or a comfy bra they can wear all day.”

The main complaint customers have is that bras are either too tight or cut into the skin. This is why selecting the correct size is important.

When entering a lingerie store, most women know what they are looking for, but many don’t know their own size. Kishbaugh said 75% of women do not know their own bra size. Fortunately, most lingerie stores have trained specialist to measure you to determine your correct bra size.

The cup size issue actually began in 1928 when a Russian immigrant name Ida Rosenthal founded the company Maidenform and started grouping women into cup sizes. Modern day cup sizes (using letters such as A, B, C and D) were not introduced until 1935.

Women’s undergarments have come a long way since the corset, and for that, many women are grateful. The variety is immense and allows individuality for the person wearing it. There are even choices when it comes to padding such as cotton, gel or water. Kishbaugh said, “It’s important to feel good and bras make women feel good.”

Lucky for us women (and men too) this marvelous invention has come so far. Just think, where would we be know without the over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder?

Linda can be reached at [email protected].