ASI to promote campus voting event

Ashley Evans

As the November gubernatorial election approaches, Associated Students Inc. is setting out to recruit voters at a voter registration event.

The voter registration process will begin with a three-day introductory event and will continue until Oct. 23.

“The event will take place on Oct. 3, 4, 5…in the library quad from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m.,” said Olgalilia Ramirez, the director of ASI governmental affairs. “It’s meant to kick off our voter registration drive for the upcoming statewide election on Nov. 7.”

ASI’s goal is to register more than 1000 students before Oct. 23, Ramirez added. This initiative is a part of a statewide effort across California campuses known as the Student Week of Action, Ramirez said.

“We are in a friendly competition with other California State Universities to see who can register the most students,” Ramirez said.

The event will include flyers, food, music and balloons offers Sacramento State students a chance to eat, dance and compete with other CSUs. Some students and faculty members hope the event will also raise awareness about the importance of voting.

“I think that the music and everything will help get people’s attention, which is fine as long as the main point is still that we are registering to vote,” said Kati Davis, a junior business major. “In college you are more independent and on your own, and I feel that with independence comes responsibility. It is our responsibility as adults to be aware of what is going on around us and in politics and to vote.”

According to Kimberly Nalder, a professor in the government department, ASI’s efforts to inform students about the importance of the vitality of voting.

“If students, faculty, staff and the administration cooperate we can make sure that Sac State students are part of the political process this year,” Nalder said.

“Studies show that college-age citizens are the group least likely to vote,” Nalder added. “Because of that, elected officials feel that they can ignore their needs and wishes. If students paid more attention to politics and current events, they would find that the government impacts everything they do. Think about the classes that have been cancelled because of budget cuts-or the cost of tuition-on Nov. 7, we will be voting for people who have the ability to change all of those things.”

Ashley Evans can be reached at [email protected]