There comes a time when you just have to move on

Image: Infatuation vs. Love:Sexcapades with Shauvon Torres.:
December 4, 2006
You’ve finally kicked that disastrous relationship to the curb, trying to keep the promise of staying single for at least six months. As the solitary companionship that you have with yourself starts taxing your emotions and you crave to be touched, those lonely nights start to wear.
The emotional loss of the one you thought you loved can start a new curiosity for a new love or interest. Whether it’s looking for someone to help heal the heart, a warm body to cuddle or sex, it can have your curiosity intrigued. Not a one-night stand, but a relationship, a typical “rebound relationship.”
Some say rebound relationships are a big mistake, but I believe otherwise. Yes, it can be harmful, not being able to truly commit emotionally because your heart is still with someone else. You think about your ex when you’re with your new partner, and most often it doesn’t last.
I have been in a rebound relationship, and I felt, at that particular time, that it would help cover up the feelings that I had from my previous relationship. It was a way for me to numb them by bringing in new feelings for someone else.
But I didn’t give myself the proper time to heal, so, in my case, it only caused heartache for the other person. I truly needed to wait until after the breakup before I started anything new because that’s really the perfect opportunity to get to know yourself.
I took a few months, tried to understand what made me happy in my life, who I was and what makes me the woman I am today.
Aside from my discouraging past experiences, I still think that there are positives in rebound relationships. You never know who you could possibly pass up by being fearful. I’m a strong believer in love, and sometimes love hurts – life is a risk and so is every relationship.
With passion, excitement and feelings of lust, why not give it a try? Even if it is a rebound relationship, it could end up being the person you marry and build a life with. Just make sure to take it one step at a time and find out who you are first before making any commitment
Shauvon Torres can be reached at [email protected]