Students help to rebuild Louisiana
April 4, 2006
A group of 10 Sacramento State students spent spring break in New Orleans, La., aiding the hurricane relief effort .
Campus Crusade for Christ and International Students Christian Fellowship both sent five students to the hurricane-devastated region from March 11 to March 19.
Jesus Andrade, executive vice president candidate in the upcoming ASI election, flew to Louisiana as a representative of Campus Crusade for Christ. A senior majoring in philosophy, Andrade helped gut houses for victims using crowbars and sledgehammers.
“Some contractors are charging upwards of $15,000 for these services,” said Peter Masters, president of Campus Crusade for Christ, who also attended the relief effort.
Andrade said around 100 houses were completed and gutted for renovation during his stay. An estimated 5,000 students from Campus Crusade for Christ from around the nation camped out in two-tent complexes, with others staying in a hotel.
“For me, the trip was life changing, to say the least. I have never witnessed such scenes of tragedy and devastation so close ?” you cannot but pause your thoughts on the deeper questions of life when you are down there,” said Stanislaus Soloman, president of the International Students Christian Fellowship.
He said he plans on returning for two weeks in May to help out more.
Kirsten Masters, a sophomore majoring in liberal studies, helped organize and prepare meals for the volunteers.
“One of the biggest things I came away with was the unity we shared there at the camp,” Masters said. “There was a tangible sense of being together for a purpose bigger than any of us. I felt like everyone around me was like a huge family who had to support each other and work as a team to achieve our goal.”
At the March 29 ASI board meeting, an award was given to both groups, recognizing their efforts to help Katrina victims.
Max Pucket can be reached at [email protected]