Study: Many college men misuse condoms
March 22, 2006
A survey by Condom Hall found that 42 percent of mensurveyed failed to leave space at the end of thecondom for semen.
The condom vender’s study, conducted in January 2006,surveyed 858 heterosexual males at 18 largeuniversities nationwide.
Laurie Bisset-Grady, director of health education atthe Student Health Center at Sacramento State, saidthe survey’s findings do not surprise her andexplained why room at the tip is needed.
“Not leaving a reservoir tip causes the condom toburst under pressure at ejaculation,” Bisset-Gradysaid.
Condom breakage was reported by 34 percent ofrespondents, 15 percent said a condom had slipped offduring sex and 17 percent of those interviewedadmitted that they had taken off a condom beforeejaculation.
Also, the study found that 45 percent of respondentshad encountered instances when they wanted to use acondom but did not have any available.
“Promoting condom use is great, but it may not beenough,” said Chris Carey, director of Condom Hall,which was founded in 1992. “Sexually active studentsmust know how to use condoms correctly. Condomeducation is just as important as condom usage,” Careysaid.
Bisset-Grady said students need to be aware of howcondoms differ.
“Condoms can be like a new pair of shoes: there aredifferent sizes and brands and students need to beaware of this. Just like brushing your teeth, it mightseem weird at first but you get used to it,” saidBisset-Grady.
Lubricants can also play an important role when usinga condom.
“Petroleum based lubricant can cause latex to thin andeventually break,” Bisset-Grady said.
Free safe-sex packets are available at the StudentHealth Center. Besides information, packets includetwo condoms and some lubricant. Condoms are alsoavailable for purchase at the pharmacy.
Max Puckett can be reached at [email protected]