Utilize online feedback and free speech

Andy Jensen

So we’ve established that the role of the student newspaper is to serve as a watchdog for the college community, to do the “dirty work” necessary to inform people of what is happening that affects them as part of that community.

So who is watching the watchdog then?

That is the role of the ombudsman, yes, but readers must also realize a certain responsibility here. It is ultimately your paper. Part of your ASI fees help fund the Hornet (the difference is made up by advertising income). If readers don’t demand comprehensive coverage they’re probably not going to get it, it’s that simple.

A perfect example was the recent story about the confrontation last week in the library quad. After reading the online feedback I was left with one lasting impression, readers are unclear about what free speech entails. What an excellent opportunity to assign a column writer to explain the blurry line between free speech and hate speech.

The Hornet has begun an ombudsman column this year, and if it can continue, it could grow into a real voice for the readers– if they use it. If you’re asking yourself why a story was written a certain way it’s likely that someone else is asking the same question. But by not asking that question out loud you’re giving the writer a free pass.

The effort required to speak your mind is actually quite minimal with the advent of Email, and even leaving feedback online is better than nothing. As an editor and now as the ombudsman I have always been dismayed by the lack of reader participation at The State Hornet. Letters to the editor are few and far between, and feedback on the Web site usually degrades into personal attacks and partisan rhetoric from the usual suspects– good for a laugh but ultimately unproductive.

What I really want is your help. The editors need it and so does the paper itself. You’ve already shown your support, evident in the steady increase in web site “hits” at Statehornet.com. What is needed now is your opinion, your voice.


Andy Jensen can be reached [email protected]