Things your One Card can do for you

Amanda Fulkerson

Sacramento State’s student ID card, the One Card, saves students money on everything from food to entertainment.

The One Card offers on-campus discounts on tickets to sporting events, theater productions, copies and 10 percent off at selected eateries.

Unique Events, responsible for bringing names such as De La Soul and The Hieroglyphics to campus, offer discounted tickets when students present their One Card.

Sacramento area businesses often provide specials for students with a current One Card

Popular with the student body is the “free drink with food purchase” at Chipotle locations, 487-1125. Sophomore Trevor Wright likes the free drink idea. “People always ask for water cups and fill them with soda anyway, it’s nice to have a restaurant recognize that students are on a budget and drinks rack up the cost of eating out,” he said.

Taqueria Guadalajara, located on Fair Oaks, offers the same student deal of a free drink with purchase.

Denny’s, on College Town Drive, 383-7071, offers students 10 percent off of the entire bill, and KissNTell, 966-5477, the “love boutique,” offers 15 percent off anything in the store when the One Card is presented.

When class requires taking in a show, visit Runaway Stage Productions, 207-1226. They offer special student pricing for all shows, usually $3-4 less than normal ticket price. The Crocker Art Museum offers half price admission to students and when in need of a Halloween costume, head over to Cheep Thrills, 446-4103, for a 10 percent discount on rentals.

Area bars and clubs, such as Wednesday night at the Empire club, offer “college nights” where One Cards let students in free or for a less.

Corporations are taking notice. Twenty-four Hour Fitness, 658-1626, offers a reduced student rate, but only when students sign up at a promotional event on campus. No one at 24 Hour would confirm what the exact discount is but they make it clear they welcome students.

“The reason 24 Hour Fitness offers discounted membership is because we know that many college students are short on money yet still want the advantages of working out on a consistent basis,” said Derryck Green of the downtown location.

Flash a current One Card to ride anywhere the Rapid Transit metro system goes. Busses and light rail are a source of free transportation for Sac State students.

PrintSmart began in 2000 and guarantees every student receives 100 free pages printed in campus computer labs. Every semester, PrintSmart refills the One Card balance and remainders from previous semesters do not carry over. Students can insert cash or credit cards into one of three campus One Card machines located in the One Card office, library or Lassen hall and the amount will be added to their balance.

The balance is deducted as students use their One Card to pay for items at campus vendors. The daily parking permit machines also accept One Cards.

Ronald Grant, director of Support Services for the One Card office, says to look for three off-campus locations of Chipotle to begin accepting the One Card as a form of payment. He also adds that the office is open to suggestions for more off-campus locations students would like to see accept the One Card as payment. Businesses seem to understand the idea of a “starving student” isn’t really a misnomer. Giving students a break ensures repeat business — and a lot less chance for students to get creative about pilfering free services.