Growing evil: Facism is the ‘harbinger of death’

James Curiel

An evil scourge crawls across the land. It sews ignorance through deception. Upon its forehead resides the name “FASCISM.”

Fear is its chief tool, orange or red, hiding behind a mask of false patriotism, red, white and blue.-

It hates patriotic ideals of freedom and equality, so it attacks the Constitution with a passion.-

It hates the words of the Christ, and attacks the poor, naked, and homeless. It says do not give them food, clothing or shelter.-

You will know them by their works. They advocate prison and the military for the poor.

They travel in secrecy. They loathe questioning and do their utmost to stop any investigation of their deeds.-

You will know them by their profiting from killing your fellow human beings. Lo, they will say war must take place and you must send your children to do the killing, but their children reside safely at home within the confines of their bank accounts.-

You will know them when they talk about freedom while they arrest people for wearing T-shirts that say “Protect Our Civil Liberties.”-

Yea, you will hear them say, “Leave no child behind” just before they run over future generations with a Hummer saddled down with National Debt bigger than the state of Texas.-

Verily, verily, they will come forward in all manner of fine clothing, extravagant food and ostentatious spending while they tell you to sacrifice.-

Yea, you will know the time has come when the widow’s child goes hungry from war that killed the father while the harbinger of war regales in berating the destitute.-

You will know the hour when the land is blighted with the machines that dot the land like a plague of locust spilling poison into the rivers killing creation and all that is good.-

You will know the hour when the deer hunter removes his bumper sticker in support of the harbinger of death because the locust’s poison has been the better hunter to the point of annihilation. –

Lo, the time is near. The evil is here and it grows. It is neither Christian nor patriotic. It is the harbinger of death, and its name is FASCISM. –

James Curiel is a professor in sociology at Sacramento State