Ucovich seeks $100,000 Union renaming
December 10, 2003
Associated Students, Inc. is making a recommendation to theUniversity Union and university administration to spend at least$100,000 to change the name of the University Union to theUniversity Student Union.
ASI’s board of directors passed the legislation, sponsoredby ASI President Peter Ucovich, at its Dec. 3 meeting.
ASI has attempted several times in years past to change the nameof the Union.
According to the resolution, the basis for the change is thatstudents pay entirely for the Union through a fee paid duringregistration.
Most schools in the California State University system have aUnion named after students, Ucovich said.
Currently, students at Sacramento State pay $71 per semester forthe Union. Every student – both graduate students and undergrads -pays this fee.
Jonathan Self, associate vice president for finance, said thesemester fee is used for the operation of the Union for studentsonly.
“The (fee) does not pay for private events or othernon-student use,” Self said. “There is a separate ratecharge for outside parties to use the Union. Student fees pay formaintenance of student services.”
The argument presented by the university against the name changeis that the Union is used not only by students, but also by theuniversity and community as a whole.
There was some concern at ASI’s board meeting thatspending such a large amount of money on what some believe to be anunnecessary change would not be wise during a time of budget cutsand decreased spending on higher education.
Ucovich pointed out that the Union is auxiliary from theuniversity. Therefore, it is not affected by budget cuts at thestate level.
Union director Leslie Davis could not confirm the $100,000 to$130,000 cost mentioned at the ASI meeting.
“That number is just an estimate,” Davis said.”It would take several months before a definite figure wascalculated.”
The Union board of directors would have to allocate money forthe name change from its regular budget. This means that the moneywould be taken from other Union costs, Davis said.
Davis also said that unless enrollment at Sac State changesdrastically, the Union’s budget will not change.