‘Tis the season to be stressful
December 3, 2003
Okay, midterms are over, but finals are rapidlyapproaching. Wedged in between are papers, readingassignments and demanding instructors. Not to mention trying tobalance a part-time job and a healthy relationship or sociallife.
These are some of the stresses we college students face on adaily basis.
How are we supposed to maintain our sanity with such a busy anddemanding schedule? Everyone needs a little down time and anopportunity to just get away from it all.
Even if we find it to be near impossible, we all must devote acertain amount of time to ourselves to prevent our stress levelfrom skyrocketing.
Schedule a specific time during the week in which you devoteentirely to yourself or something you enjoy. Or spread out yourtime and give yourself at least a half an hour everyday.
One of the best ways to relieve stress is to indulge yourself ina warm bath. Light a few candles or some incense as you draw thewater. Try adding some luxurious bubble bath for the complete richand bubbly experience. You can read an old favorite book or pick upa favorite magazine while you sit in the tub.
Or if you don’t have the time for a bath, spend an extra15 minutes in the shower.
After spending hours cooped up in a stuffy room staring at yourcomputer screen, it would be a good idea to get outdoors andbreathe the fresh air. Go for a small walk or exercise. Exercisereleases beta-endorphins into the brain which neutralizesstress.
Reunite yourself with a long lost hobby. Whether it’sdrawing, knitting or cooking, a hobby can help you focus onsomething other than how much stress you’re under.
If you’ve never had a hobby, introduce yourself to a newone. Discovering your interests is a part of discoveringyourself.
Drop everything you are doing and watch your favorite TVshow.You can always pick up where you left off with your workin an hour.
Don’t forget that Blockbuster isn’t only open on theweekends. Rent a movie sometime during the week to give yousomething to look forward to.
Although your significant other can at times be a cause ofstress, you can also incorporate him or her in the relief of thestress as well.
And remember that your boyfriend or girlfriend may be just asstressed as you, so help each other out.
After a long day, help each other relax by giving a footmassage. Or if you are up for it, go for the whole body. You couldalways incorporate this into a sensual experience.
Create a dinner for the two of you. If money is tight, makedinner together. Otherwise, save your pennies and go out somewherenice. Just make sure that you create a special night that is freefrom stressful concerns.
Be romantic with each other. This cold weather offers a perfectopportunity to snuggle up and cuddle or take a hot bathtogether.
Although we are all adults now, we can still act childish attimes. Tickle each other or rough-house every so often. We shouldalways keep our inner child alive and active.
The holiday season is here and it is a perfect opportunity toenjoy time with loved ones or yourself.
Get involved this year and decorate a tree, give food to thehomeless, go out for a drive one night and be amazed by the lights.Sing Christmas carols in your car on the way to school or work. Theholiday season may create a fast pace in general and the end of thesemester doesn’t slow that pace down any.
But try not to get so caught up in responsibilities and rememberto take a minute to appreciate life and the little things we oftentake for granted.
Do the holidays make you a basketcase? Let Cyndi know your ownstress-reduction techniques at [email protected].