Americans plagued by hypocrisy
November 19, 2003
Americans are hypocrites. Americans are right about everythingand George Washington is supposedly my forefather.
Democracy really means hypocrisy. American hypocrisy is a mentaldisorder that leaves its victims with tunnel vision. .
“Save a tree,” is a common phrase, yet mostAmericans live in wooden houses, have wooden furniture, use paperproducts and have no inclination to avoid using these things.
We belly ache about the deterioration of the forests but many ofus are still wiping our asses. If there were an actual concern,there would be a moratorium on logging and the use of wood productswould cease.
“English only,” is the rally cry of backwaterconservatives. Yes Pancho, you must speak English becauseyou’re in America now. Last time I checked, in Mexico andmost nations in the Americas, the official language is Spanish.
You have to be an idiot to try to impose a language on people.As the Spanish-speaking population increases in the U.S., it iseconomically and intellectually beneficial to speak the language ofthe masses.
“La tierra es de quien la trabaja, (The land belongs tothose who work it)” said General Emiliano Zapata.
“Keep Tahoe Blue,” is a popular bumper stickerattached to SUVs. These polluting beasts spend weekends onexcursions to the lake. If their owners actually intended to keepit blue they would avoid travel there all together.
How about: “Keep Illegal Immigrants Out.” Well myfriends this hypocrisy is racist and illogical. Many who cheeredthe fall of the Berlin Wall now clamor to keep the same wall set upand secure on our own Mexico-U.S. border.
Avoid eating you hypocritical fools, the food that sits on yourtable is put there by the brown hand of an illegal immigrant.
If all the immigrant workers were forced out or, better yet,decided to stop working the fields, the factories, the restaurantsand distribution centers, none of us would eat and the nation wouldfall to its knees. Maybe we should take care of the hand that feedsus.
What ever happened to Christians loving one another? Or canChristians pick and choose who they love?
President Bush called the war against terrorism a crusade. Bush,during his campaign, stated that his favorite philosopher was JesusChrist. His recent actions appear more like Hitler’sdoctrine.
We want no one to attack the U.S. and yet many agree that it isokay to attack other countries to enforce freedom. Afghanistan andIraq were destroyed to please oil, construction industries and theentire U.S. war machine. Up until now, no one has proven thecountries posed an actual threat to our world.
If the U.S. were a true Christian nation as some claim,then it and we would love one another. Jesus even told us to loveour enemies.
This White House only follows the ideology of vini vidi vicci (Icame, I saw, I conquered).
Bush and his Christian buddies ought to burn a cross on theWhite House lawn to celebrate Thanksgiving. We might be thankfulfor other things, but we really are celebrating destruction. Someof our ancestors massacred this continent’s indigenouspeoples and in present day the current administration is destroyingthe world.
Hypocrisy is a mental disorder that is not only transmitted within person contact but also by just hearing about it. I have afriend who contracted it by watching TV. He always says, “Iheard on the news.”
To avoid catching the infection and maybe cure it ifalready infected you should.
1. Simply avoid believing everything that the mass mediapresents to you.
2. Question any authority.
3. Be logical and fair-minded when thinking about others orissues at hand.
4. Always wonder, “what if this were happening tome?”
5. Never assume others should agree with you. Everyone has adifferent perspective.
Hypocrisy can be cured. Please exercise your true freedomand think for yourself, not what others tell you.
Are we really hypocrites or should Rafael take things lessliterally?
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