Union restrooms not up to standards, users say

Image: Union restrooms not up to standards, users say:Photo by Margaret Friedman/State Hornet:

Lauren Shoda

Normal conditions for the average individual using the Union?s restroom facilities can consist of wet floors, overflowed urinals and empty soap, toilet seat cover and toilet paper dispensers.

Social science major Imani Moore said it was an inconvenience when she attempted to use the restrooms on the first floor of the Union.

“It?s a shame that we can?t have basic essentials in these restrooms like soap, paper towels and toilet seat covers. My son is in child care here on campus and I have to use those restrooms a lot. There always seems to be something wrong with them,” Moore said.

Upstairs women?s restrooms in the Union often have wet floors in the stalls, which causes some students to avoid these restrooms at all costs.

“I try not to come in here at all,” said freshman Danielle Dass. “The floors are always wet, and downstairs there is always something wrong with the dispensers. In my opinion, public restrooms in general are gross, but it doesn?t help when you can?t even walk into the stall because the floor is wet.”

Donald Tucker, Assistant Director of Operations for the Student Union, said he had not received any complaints regarding the restroom?s condition and is not aware of any plumbing problems that may be causing the wet floors.

“Sometimes toilets or urinals may overflow due to people putting paper towels into them, which will cause a problem,” Tucker said.

“We will definitely look further into it, but I am not aware of any major problems with plumbing or as to why the floors would be wet,” Tucker said.

A recent article in American School and University magazine reported that nearly 40 percent of students avoid using restrooms altogether due to broken fixtures, inadequate supplies and floors and walls covered with germs.

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