Part two of a four part seriesEVEN MORE phrases to know in Mexico
March 19, 2003
Sacramento State students going to Mexico for spring break, your Spanish lessons aren’t over!
Here are even more phrases you can use while in Acapulco, Rosarito or wherever you decide to go. Each phrase is worth 10 points. Use them well.
Estoy crudo, quiero menudo para desayunar (I have a hangover, can I have menudo for breakfast.)
Menudo is not just a pop group from the ’80s. It’s a dish made out of a cow’s stomach. It doesn’t sound too good on paper, but it tastes really good. And the best part, according to Spanish folklore, menudo is the cure for a hangover.
Queiro un BOTTELLA de agua, por favor. (Can I have a bottled of water, please)
Make sure you emphasize the bottled part. If you just ask for water, they could just bring it from the sink. Drinking water in Mexico isn’t so clean. Remember, BOTTELLA (bottle) is the key word here.
Mariachi, otra cancion, por favor. (Mariachi, another song please.)
What’s Mexico without mariachi music? Say you’re at a cantina (bar) and you’re having good time, and the mariachi stops playing. Ask them to keep playing, but make sure you pay them. Ask them to play any song by Vicente Fernandez.
No me gustas. Por favor, dejame empaz. (Guy, I don’t like you. So, please, back off.)
Just in case the natives get restless, use this to keep them in check. Remember, it’s not just American boys that are gonna be drooling on you down there, so learn as many ways as possible to say “no, thank you.”
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