Hornet Online ExclusiveGearin’ up for April Fools!

Image: Hornet Online ExclusiveGearin’ up for April Fools!:Photo courtesy of www.google.com:

Jorge Moreno

The new president of Sacramento State announced this week that tuition for next semester will not be increased. In fact. it’s going to be decreased. He also said parking will be much easier for student. April Fools! HA! HA! HA!

Wait a minute. This isn’t funny. Tuition will be higher next semester and parking will probably be worse. This is not one of those jokes that go really well with crowd, mainly because the joke isn’t funny.

But April Fools is the one day where people play pranks and jokes and have fun with them. So, what a better place to look for inspiration than at universities–the mother of all places where pranks are played? It is the one day to pull a prank on that annoying roommate or that loving best friend without having any lasting consequences.

Gone are the days of setting back the roommate’s clock or putting saran rap over the toilet. Not that these jokes aren’t funny, it’s just that they’ve become too common and too tired. Students are becoming more elaborate and creative in the pranks they perform.

Such as the students at Contra Costa College, who duck-taped the outside of one of their friends doors so that he they opened it from the inside, he couldn’t get out.

One Sac State student had a different idea of how to use duck tape.

“If your roommate or friend is a heavy sleeper, at night, duck tape their hands and feet together,” said student Luis Jimenez. “This way they can’t get up in the morning.”

Some professors better watch out if students don’t show up to class April 1, because it might wind up being an elaborate prank in the works.

“Get up early, go to all your classes and put up an authentic sign that says ‘class is canceled.’ Or just do it to a professor you don’t like,” said student Devon Rice.

One student suggested getting everyone in a class not to show up. Then, of course, there is the roommate. The person that is never safe on April 1.

“We had this roommate our freshman year, and he had this little dog, a Chihuahua. We went and got a stuffed one and we took the stuffing out. We put it on his chair and he sat on it,” said sophomore Dean Kay.

“And he thought he killed his dog. We put syrup-like-blood and everything — it was planned for two weeks.”

Other times the joke can backfire.

“Me and my best friend got in an argument with our roommate. We were playing practical jokes on each other. We came in one day; our mattresses were out of our rooms,” said student Calvin Roach. “He hi-jacked our clothing. My best friend called the police on him.”

But some pranks can go a little bit too far.

“Never tell someone that a friend or family member died,” said junior Susan Moore. “That’s just wrong playing with people’s emotions.”

Also, don’t try anything with firecrackers or bombs because it can seriously hurt some, and with the recent war: it’s tasteless.And the best joke, according to student Chad Barb, is being born on April Fools Day. “That’s the best joke ever on humanity.”