No Health Violations
October 1, 2002
No CSUS Dining Services eatery or any of our campus food vendors are in violation of health codes. All 26 of them are subject to the same inspection as any other public eatery in Sacramento. We welcome county inspections and diligently work to correct each and every comment their inspection may elicit.
Each Foundation-operated eatery employs staff and/or managers who have successfully completed and accredited food safety certification examination, and we provide training for our full-time employees and student assistants about the hazards of food borne illnesses and proper container labeling and storage.
CSUS Foundation spokespeople responded to inquiries from State Hornet writers, and provided copies of the most recent inspection report completed after January, 2001, to writer Philip Wood. I assume that they were used to help him compile his article. Copies of the reports are available in each operating unit for any member of the public to inspect if they wish.
The CSUS Foundation is proud “to provide quality services, programs, products and resources that strengthen and support the CSUS mission of instruction, research and public service.” It is interesting to note that in the same State Hornet issue, writer Candice Alvarez extols the vegetarian and vegan choices at a new campus vendor, Mother India Express, which serves to underscore our commitment to provide convenience and selection.
I certainly encourage anyone with questions or safety concerns about food purchased on campus to bring them to the attention of the supervisor at the location where the transaction took place. If there are unanswered concerns please do not hesitate to direct them to my office.