Barking men, stoic women
September 17, 2002
Our campus lacks a daily human necessity and it?s because most of the female race refuses to be friendly. I don?t blame you, so before you turn this into a sexist attack on the non smiling nation of woman; listen. We walk past the usual smiles every day.
The people playing yoga meditation instruments have those lackadaisical smiles. The bookstore employees are paid to smile as they transfer our money. Why is that when I walk past most of the female students on this campus it seems they are too busy to even grin after making eye contact? Do you think you?re too good looking to acknowledge someone that doesn?t necessarily attract you physically? Who do you think you are? Not all men are trying to holler at you.
My mother taught me to be polite and nice to others when they pass. I feel good about myself so I?m smiling when we make eye contact. When one dosen?t reciprocate, I think you?re ill-mannered, or you?ve been told that pretty faces ignore the general public.
You?re unsmiling faces are the ugliest I see on campus. Feel free to fall on that face. It?s not being used for anything close to beautiful.
Women who rarely engage in the pleasures of returning happy gestures should treat smiling like make-up. Put it on everyday to fake-up their face. Attractive faces wear smiles regularly. Women, your explanations for not smiling are weak! You don?t have time! It takes more muscles in the face to frown than it does to smile.
Again, it is not our women?s fault. It?s the fault of men. Specifically the ones on this campus. Stop hounding the ladies. I know you?re a dog, but barking loud only gets the attention of other dogs. And we?re trying to communicate with the female race, the feline race. The groups of guys standing the middle of walkways waiting to pick-up on their next victim are ruining Sacramento States female population.
A woman?s one and only explanation for not smiling back that holds any truth is based on the third leg testosterone driven adjective that explains most men. Smile for me now.