Physics professor hosipitalized again, won’t be back to teach this semester
April 9, 2002
The Sacramento State Physics Professor who was hit by a truck on campus nearly two months ago is back home after being treated for complications from the accident.
Professor William Thornburg, 70, was hospitalized for three days last week after doctors found a blood clot on his brain. It was his second hospital stay since the Feb. 7 accident.
“I have another CAT scan on Thursday to see if it is gone,” Thornburg said.
Thornburg?s speech is also impaired.
“I start to slur my speech and I can?t correct it. I am going to see a neurologist Tuesday,” said Thornburg, who will not return to teaching for the rest of the semester.
“I?d rather be teaching. It?s frustrating as a teacher because I can?t even talk. It?s not fair to the students,” he said.
The latest round of health complications has Thornburg considering legal action.
“I can?t make any firm decisions right now. I may talk to a lawyer to keep it open in case I have a serious disability,” Thornburg said.Thornburg?s medical bills continue to be paid by the driver?s insurance.
“My medical bills are considerable. The very first ones were $27,000, so you can imagine the amounts they are reaching. I don?t know when the driver?s insurance will stop paying; students usually buy cheap insurance,” Thornburg said.
On the night he was hit, Thornburg was in the crosswalk outside the Hornet Bookstore, on his way to retrieve books from his car, when he was struck and thrown 24 feet.
Thornburg suffered a concussion, a separated shoulder, and received stitches in his head.
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