Single Golfers Wanted

Vince Andrews

If you like to golf and want to meet new people,then Campus Commons Golf Course might be the answer for you. Campus Commons has designated course time every Saturday for singles wanting to start new relationships with out having to hit the bar scene.

The golf course has a program that pairs singles up to play nine holes every week. This program also gives singles the opportunity to participate in social functions, tournaments, and lunches. It is also encouraged to simply relax, meet people and hang out.

Campus Commons has set up an inexpensive way for singles to play golf for a whole year. The program costs $25 a year and it is a one-time fee. One regular round of golf at the same course is $10. For those hesitant about the program, Campus Commons Golf Course allows singles to play twice free of charge.

Every two months the program goes on away tournaments.

The program is intended to be fun and sociable, single golfers do not need to meet any level of skill to participate.

Campus Commons Golf Course is located at 2 Cadillac Dr, just east of campus. They can be reached at (916) 922-5861. For more information about the golf course, click here.

The program meets every Saturday at 10 a.m. and will meet at 9 a.m. throughout the summer.