ASI scrambling to fill committees

Image: Student committee positions remain unfilled, ASI in public spat over record of ex-member:Lisanne NakayamaVice President of University Affairs:
March 20, 2002
Students have virtually no say in some of the biggest policy decisions on campus according to an Associated Students, Inc. official who is searching for bodies to fill university committee positions.
Most committees have two student-at-large positions in order to include student opinion in important campus related decisions.”The committees were neglected,” said Vice President of University Affairs Lisanne Nakayama. “We haven?t had a good VPUA in the past, and so they all went to s–t and now I am trying to pull it all back together.”
“Committees help identify campus problems,” she said.
“Committees are the biggest place where students can have an impact on student life and university policy.”
Nakayama believes that committees are the nuts and bolts of everyday student life, and her first priority is to get student input back on the committees.
“I want to make sure students have a voice here and their opinions don?t go unheard. Without adequate student representation, how is that possible?” Nakayama said.
Nakayama took over the VPUA job after Calvin Davis quit the post last December.
After Davis?s sudden departure at the end of last semester, Nakayama realized Davis had not appointed and notified students to serve as at-large representatives on university committees that decide everything from parking policy to student fees. Some students had been appointed, but never told about it.
Now it?s her job to see that students fill those slots as she acts as the go-between for ASI and the 40?50 campus committees that make University policy.
“Calvin had a lot of other things going on in his life. He really didn?t do his job here in ASI,” Nakayama said.
Now Nakayama?s job is to get everyone on the same page ? literally.
“The president?s office, student affairs and ASI all have different lists of the committees. Nobody?s list is consistent and organized,” she said.
Nakayama said that ASI does not have any information or contact numbers about the appointed students and that most have no idea they are supposed to serve on an ASI committee.
“It?s going to be difficult to have students willing to sit on a committee when it?s close to the end of the semester and we can?t guarantee the same position for next fall, either,” Nakayama said. Former VPUA Calvin Davis failed to return calls from The State Hornet.
Students who wish to serve on a university committee can contact Lisanne Nakayama at (916) 278-6784.