Free massages for students with one card

Caroline Quijano

The Student Health Center is offering students free massages this semester. Each student is allowed three massages over the course of the semester with their one card.

“These first two weeks of the semester have been our trial run. We?ve had the massage services available in the Student Center Lobby by appointment only. The massages have been 10-minute chair sessions and we?ve had an amazing response,” Health Educator Lorraine Martinez said.

The Center has arranged for a licensed massage therapist to come every Tuesday and Wednesday from 11-3 p.m. and on Thursday from 12-4 p.m.

“We know that 12 hours isn?t much time for a therapist to come, but this is still relatively new for us. For the first semester, the center is paying for the therapist, which is why the services are free. But starting fall 2002, the massages will either be included on the Augmented Health Plan Service or without the plan, it will be $15 for every 15 minutes,” Martinez said.

After the first two weeks during the semester, students will be able to walk-in and have same day appointments. Scheduling will begin thirty minutes before the start time each day. For more information, go to room 122 in the Student Health Center or call 916-278-5422