Symposium to discuss tolerance and diversity
May 1, 2001
Professors, scholars, writers and artists plan to present a two-day “Writers and Thinkers Symposium” on Thursday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the University Union Hinde Auditorium at Sac State.
The symposium’s theme is “Discourse of Tolerance and Difference,” and the participants hope to encourage the idea of understanding diversity beyond the traditional borders of art and academics, said Olivia Castellano, a Sac State English professor and co-chair of the symposium planning committee.
“Our examining of ideas at the symposium will involve serious analysis, an undoing, a dismantling of basic premises and assumptions in order to arrive at new, hopefully more open-minded understanding, a willingness to think beyond stereotypes in hopes that hate crimes and hate speech will cease to exist,” Castellano said.
According to Castellano, the professors, scholars, artists and writers will come from all over the country to present their ideas and participate in the symposium.
A few of the Sac State professors that will participate and speak at the symposium are: Thomas Pyne, Otis Scott, Sheree Meyer, Doug Rice, and Castellano. Provost Bernice Bass de Martinez and President Donald Gerth will also participate in the symposium.
The symposium will include performances, panel discussions and presentations. Students are encouraged to participate in the discussions and to present their ideas.
All events are free and coffee and refreshments will be provided.