No Replacement For Harris Yet

Lantz S. Burvant

Howard Harris, associate vice-president of Facilities Management planned to retire from his position at the end of December 2000, but instead he still finds himself working two days a week in the same capacity.

Harris, who turned 63 in January of this year, planned on spending more time with his wife, two sons, and play more golf, but Harris continues to work at the request of Administration & Business Affairs vice-president Ed Del Biaggio.

“I was rehired as a retired annuity,” Harris said.

Harris went on to say he would only stay in the position as long as he could, and his last day would be February 28. Harris would not comment on the possibility of staying after that.

“We?ve had upwards of sixty applicants apply for the position,” Del Biaggio said.But Del Biaggio said the committee in charge of selecting a new replacement has not made a final decision on Harris?s replacement.

Del Biaggio was unwilling to say whether the committee was looking towards an internal or external candidate to replace Harris.

However, Del Biaggio said they were using many resources to advertise the position.Del Biaggio said ads have been placed in The Sacramento Bee, Hispanic Outlook, Black Issues in Higher Ed, and NACUBO (National Association of College and University Business Officers).

According to Sarah Whyte staff to the Selection Committee, job announcements were sent to CSUS CABO (University Business Officers), CSUS Executive Deans (University Facilities Officers), UC Human Resource Offices, as well as Community Colleges HR Offices and CSUS Diversity Associations.

Del Biaggio is uncertain of when Harris’ replacement will be found, but hopes that it will be filled by late April or early May.

“At this time he will be around until the end of February.” Del Biaggio said.

According to Del Biaggio, he and the committee will continue to work closely with Harris and the Facilities Management Department until a successor is found.

“He’s been very supportive and helpful,” Del Biaggio said. However, Harris said, he is not involved in the selection process.