Just Let It All Out
October 16, 2000
Shout, shout, shout it all out?Tell me what’s on your mind and what’s it all about! Remember that song? When I first heard it some years ago I remember thinking; yeah baby shouting “it” out is what it’s all about!
We all know that communication is absolutely essential to any relationship. But sometimes people forget that, or perhaps they forget that not everyone communicates like they do.
Only time can tell you in a relationship on how your friend or partner will respond when you let them know how you feel. Will they hold up a spear and try to attack you or will they put up a shield, go into the fetal position and hide so you can’t hurt them?
The biggest gripes I hear about a gap-in-the-road communication quandary is the kind that happens between the opposite sexes. Women are deathly afraid that they’ll appear pathetic or desperate if they open up to a guy. And fellas tend to think that girls are over emotional and half the time they don’t even know what the heck women are so upset about.
When I hear, and can personally relate, about these kinds of situations, I try my best to stifle a yawn because this subject is boring.
Listen, if you got a problem, don’t suffer in silence. Let the person know what’s bothering you. You don’t have to “shout it out,” but don’t let what other people say or your insecurities get in the way of discussing whatever issues you may have.
Without communication, assumptions will be made and misunderstandings will occur frequently. And when that happens, you better believe that it strains the relationship and causes unnecessary frustrations to the people in it.
It is extremely important that you let people know how and where you stand on any issues up front so they won’t ever accuse you of “trippin” when you’re upset about something. I’m not suggesting you tell the world every little thing that is on your mind, but if something is concerning you, just say it!
Think about it like this, we’re all going to die anyway. So whatever problem you may have now, will most likely not be an issue when you’re on your deathbed. Don’t focus on the potential embarrassment you may cause if you speak up, focus on clearing the air and how better you’ll feel once your issue is discussed.
But more importantly than speaking your mind is really listening to what the other person has to say. If they don’t respond right away, don’t worry, give them time. Most of them will come around.
And you know baby that’s what it’s really all about!