Chasing Victory
September 26, 2000
As eighties nostalgia blared out of a speaker system and balled up tube socks rained down on spectators? heads, a young man in a blue wig and face paint hurled burritos to all that called for them at Recreation Hall on the UC Davis campus Saturday.
There was also a very competitive cross country meet. The Hornets finished behind only host UC Davis in a field of 22 teams as both the men?s and women?s teams took second place Saturday at the Aggie Invitational.
The Hornets redeemed themselves after their disappointing trip to San Diego as they put together a much stronger race and had head coach Joe Neff smiling again.
“They ran a much better race than last week,” Neff said.
One reason for the positive improvement was the return of the top men?s runner, Erik Mencarini, who finished Saturday?s race eighth overall. Mencarini, who did not participate in the last meet due to undisclosed disciplinary reasons, seemed to fight fatigue as much as the competition as he collapsed across the finish line.
“I felt lethargic at first but . . . I knew if I just ran hard at the end I could finish strong,” Mencarini said.
Neff acknowledged that it was good to have his top competitor running again, but was quick to credit other?s efforts as well.
“I don?t know if Mencarini ran a great race or if Farley just made him look good,” said Neff, referring to Craig Farley, who finished right on Mencarini?s heels.
The Sac State women had some work to do, and they took the rest of the field to task as they also finished second in team competition.
“I know we didn?t win today, but we had some other issues to deal with, and we did,” Neff said.
Neff talked about coming out strong and running a consistent race as a goal for the women. “They had to go out harder then they had been going out,” Neff said. “They had to really bear down around mile two, and they did that today.”
As they have been doing most of the season, Sac State had two women finish in the top ten, as Melissa Madeson finished second and Tina Limon took eighth. Hornet runners Annette Corey, Ann Koscki, and Sara Swan, each finished in the top 25, as the women?s team effort impressed their coach.
“They closed that gap a little bit . . . but the team as a whole moved up.” Neff said.
Madeson was also pleased after the race, but said that she didn?t want to become complacent.
“I think I am ahead of where I expected to be this year, but . . . conference is our goal right now. That?s what these races are all about,” Madeson said.
Neff agreed with Madeson, relating the importance of always looking forward.
“This was our best team race of the year so far. That will set us up for Stanford,” Neff said about this Saturday?s Stanford Invitational. “Stanford will be a major test before conference.”
Koscki, and Sara Swan, each finished in the top 25, as the women?s team effort impressed their coach.
“They closed the gap a little bit . . . but the team as a whole moved up,” Neff said.
Madeson was also pleased after the race, but said that she didn?t want to become complacent.
“I think I am ahead of where I expected to be this year, but . . . conference is our goal right now. That?s what these races are all about,” Madeson said.
Neff agreed with Madeson, relating the importance of always looking forward.
“This was our best team race of the year so far. That will set us up for Stanford,” Neff said about this Saturday?s Stanford Invitational. “Stanford will be a major test before conference.”