Mario has starred in many video games since his debut in the 1981 arcade hit, “Donkey Kong,” but it was the release of “Super Mario Bros.” in 1985 that established the Mushroom Kingdom as the mustachioed...
It was the summer of ’94, I killed it on my seventh-grade report card and my mom rewarded my hard work with a new video game. That epoch of my life would henceforth be known as the summer of “Super...
The Sankofa bird, which has a long neck and legs like a flamingo, has become a symbol for African-Americans which represents the need to look back at the past in order to move forward toward a better future.
What’s this? A parking space? No, it’s just a Fiat you couldn’t see from a distance. You spot someone walking to their car and wait for them. They get in and turn the engine on, but they’re just...