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The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

Anthony Nathan, Author

All content by Anthony Nathan
This AR. Drone has two cameras, sensors, and a small embedded Linux system on board. This particular model cost around $300, but other models can be purchased for as cheap as $100.

As drone popularity increases, so should privacy laws

Anthony Nathan
January 26, 2015

In June of last year, Lisa Pleiss, a Seattle woman reported a “Peeping Tom” recording her from the 26th floor of her apartment complex. The alleged “Tom” was not in a tree or fire escape. He was...

Prop 47 will release nonviolent felons, and it’s ok

Anthony Nathan
November 8, 2014

Thousands of convicted felons are now eligible for early release in California, and it is not as bad as it sounds.California authorized the passing of Proposition 47 in Tuesday’s midterm election by...

An illuminated cube made of Plexiglas and steel gave festival goers an admirable piece of art and meet-up spot, given it was in the festival’s epicenter.

TBD brings new vibe to Sacramento

Anthony Nathan
October 13, 2014

An illuminated cube made of Plexiglas and steel gave festival goers an admirable piece of art and meet-up spot, given it was in the festival’s epicenter.

Coffee enthusiasts explore the grounds

Anthony Nathan
October 13, 2014

San Francisco-based director Brandon Loper’s documentary “A Film About Coffee" caters to more than your neighborhood caffeine snob.The documentary exposes the efforts of overseas coffee farmers and...

College students who stay at home receive the benefits

Anthony Nathan
May 29, 2013

The difference between high school and college is the magnitude of choices. In high school, classes, for the most part, are assigned with limited options for students. Attendance is mandatory by law and...

Take some steps to protect privacy

Anthony Nathan
May 8, 2013

Social media has redefined what this generation considers personal or private information. Facebook has become a public forum for drunken nights, first dates and unrelenting rants for all to see - including...

Shopping choices lead to longtime consumer loyalty

Anthony Nathan
April 24, 2013

Nike isn’t in the shoe business, Levi’s specialty isn’t denim and Polo doesn’t just sell shirts. What these companies are doing is selling different images or a lifestyle. Clever marketing techniques...

Americans lagging in education means lagging behind the world

Anthony Nathan
April 17, 2013

Assessing the educational level of an entire country is no easy task, but the folks at Pearson - an education company - have found a way. For the last 10 years, they have been benchmarking the United States’...

Skateboarding: The big brand takeover makes it hard on the little guy

Anthony Nathan
April 10, 2013

Skateboarders have always taken pride in being a part of the counterculture because all people are truly welcome in the skate community. This concept of non-exclusion is what gives skateboarding its appeal...

Financial aid is not just for books and supplies anymore

Anthony Nathan
April 3, 2013

Every semester students make major purchases assisting them with their education tuition: laptops, living expenses or even car maintenance are all federally accepted. Extravagant purchases are also made...

Longboards are not as practical as they look

Anthony Nathan
March 26, 2013

Aside from walking or riding a bike, the longboard has to the most common form of transportation around or to the Sacramento State campus. It is nearly impossible to go from one class to another without...

Procrastination is in all of us, but why?

Anthony Nathan
March 20, 2013

Procrastination is a curious act - we all do it, no matter how important the task like paying a bill, doing homework or even asking someone on a date. We make up excuses and distract ourselves with menial...

Easy things to know when picking up skateboarding

Anthony Nathan
March 14, 2013

Picking up a new hobby can be a daunting task, and getting involved in skateboarding is no different. Going into a skate shop for the first time is intimidating and no one wants to be the “newbie.”...

Kings need to stay for the city

Anthony Nathan
March 13, 2013

In the final battle for the Kings, Mayor Kevin Johnson has revealed his secret bidders or “whales” to combat the Maloof brothers’ harpoon-wielding Hansen Group in the Sacramento State of the City...

Chris Ware color illustration of in-box pile of new television shows on a network producer's desk. 

Reality TV continues to evolve to try and stay relevant

Anthony Nathan
March 6, 2013

A stunning realization can be made when you think back to MTV’s premiere season of “The Real World” in 1992. The majority of students on the Sacramento State campus cannot remember a time before...

Conspiracy theories only add questions and never answer

Anthony Nathan
March 2, 2013

It’s difficult to tell why someone would be compelled to shoot up an elementary school just days before Christmas, but what I can say with confidence is some people swear they have the answer and it’s...

‘Ratchet’ is the new fad in rap music

Anthony Nathan
February 20, 2013

In 2001, Jay-Z’s album “The Blueprint” introduced me to a world of clever wordplay, catchy hooks and a sound that was reminiscent of the days of Al Green and The Jackson 5. I put hip-hop on the highest...


‘Side Effects’ aims high with a complex story

Anthony Nathan
February 11, 2013

If you asked me what I am afraid of, I’m likely to mention exotic spiders, being lost at sea or losing my phone. Now I can add going to the doctor’s office. The psychological thriller “Side Effects”...

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