Students deemed least likely to vote

Nancy Rebolledo

Politicians try their hand at social media to connect to college-aged voters.

“Register to Vote” is a slogan quickly appearing on several platforms. College-aged students, those between the ages of 18-28, are the population age most likely to not vote.

It is because of this that registering to vote can be found at almost any government-related agency. The application for a driver’s license contains a questionnaire that takes seconds to fill out. Simply checking “yes” to registering to vote, and choosing which political party to side on will suffice.

“I wish I had an answer to why voter turnout is so low in this demographic. I am excited about the recent work on automatic voter registration when individuals get their driver’s license,” said Nico Chavez, president of the Sacramento State College Democrats.

Registering to vote is the first important step to become involved in politics. Many political figures agree that knowing what political parties and candidates are out there can make a difference too.

As an election year nears, presidential debates are becoming more common. The Republican Presidential Debate was recently on CNN News. Eleven of the 15 republican candidates were asked key questions about issues that interest Americans the most.

“There are 12 candidates, it may be a little too early to lean one way or another on the GOP candidates,” Chavez said.

Presidential candidates have made their presence known to every age group by communicating through media. Their campaigns can be found online and their debates can be watched on YouTube or TV.

Jeb Bush, former governor of Florida, is one of the presidential contenders. Bush has a strong stance on immigration as he plans to have a set strategy on citizenship for undocumented immigrants living in the U.S.

“He is one of the more liberal republicans currently in the race, he’s attracted a lot of support from moderates in the party, and a lot of hate from more of the conservative wings of the party,” said Ryan Brown, vice-chair of the Sacramento State College Republicans.

Jeb Bush is not alone in the race to the White House. He is competing against other experienced politicians like senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.

Those without political experience are Carly Fionora, a former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, and Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon.

“I’m not comfortable with someone with no executive experience taking the higher office,” said Brown regarding Ben Carson. Brown suggesting he instead become sergeant general.

Perhaps the republican candidate making the news more often than his more experienced counterparts would be Donald Trump. Trump, an entrepreneur based in New York, is famous for his outspoken ways.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” said Trump during his campaign. “They’re sending people that have lots of problems, they’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They are rapists.”

Since then, Trump has defended his remarks, resulting in companies like Macy’s, Univision, NBC Universal and numerous golf courses to cut their partnerships with him.

Students like Brown believe there may soon be an end to Trump’s campaign.

“I agree he has stood out but only time will tell if he is a serious threat,” Chavez said.

On the democrat side, there are 5 candidates running, although only two have clearly stood out to the college public. This presidential campaign will be the second for Hillary Clinton, who in 2008 lost the democratic presidential bid to President Barack Obama.

Bernie Sanders will also run for the first time as a democrat instead of an independent. Sanders, like Clinton, is also trying to appeal to college-aged voters. Both democrat candidates can be found on almost all social media platforms.

“I think [media] plays a big role,” Chavez said. “Bernie Sanders is a big example of the media’s role in politics.”

No matter who students are voting for, it is important to stay informed. Political realms are known to change quickly, staying up to date is crucial and social media can be an important tool.

“You can’t complain unless you voted,” Brown said.