Intramural basketball gives students a chance to ball

state hornet 2012
Intramural basketball at Sacramento State consists of 51 men’s teams, eight co-ed teams and six women’s teams.
February 15, 2012
Intramural sports leagues are represented on more than 700 campuses nationwide and are continually increasing in popularity, especially in basketball at Sacramento State.
The Well at Sac State offers six intramural leagues to students and faculty – racquetball, indoor soccer, outdoor soccer, badminton, arena football and 5-on-5 basketball.
Basketball is by far the most popular sport, along with indoor soccer, out of the six leagues offered at The Well, said intramural sports supervisor Jairon Jackson.
“We used to be based out of the old police station in the Union and the small old gym in Yosemite,” said intramural sports supervisor, Emanuel Voska. “The program has really grown with The Well because there are always open facilities.”
Sixty-seven teams signed up this year for intramural basketball. An online registration program was implemented this year, which requires making a profile that allows players to set up their own teams at
The cost to play in the league is $10 per individual and $50 per team, which usually consists of eight to 10 players.
“There are many teams that enter year after year and it’s common for people to stay with the same team they started with. We get a lot of fraternities, but not so much sororities,” Jackson said. “People take it pretty seriously. The Hoop (Stallions) and Blazin Scholars, I guess you can say are like your Lakers and Miami. They are like the top teams and when good teams play, there is usually crowds of people that come and watch.”
Senior criminal justice major Irvin Gonzalez has been playing for Blazin Scholars for the past five years and made it to four championship games. Gonzalez is also an employee of The Well and said the opportunity to stay in shape and play a game that you like is what makes intramural basketball so popular.
“I’ve been playing basketball my whole life and it brings you back to your high school days when you’re playing a basketball game and you have people and friends cheering for you,” Gonzalez said. “That kind of stuff makes you feel good and it makes you play better.”
The spring intramural season is six weeks long, consisting of four weeks of regular games and two weeks of single elimination playoff games. The champions are rewarded with rings, shirts and a picture of their team posted online.
Senior mechanical engineering major Juwon Pate of the Hoopers has been involved with the program for the past five years.
“My favorite part of intramural sports is winning. We have been to four championships in five years and won three championships,” Pate said. “Having bragging rights for the entire year is a good feeling. Meeting new people and staying in shape are bonuses of playing intramural sports.”
Intramural basketball is open to everyone at Sac State, except basketball players with NCAA eligibility.
“Everyone loves basketball. Many played in high school and not everyone can play on the college team for a number of different reasons,” Jackson said. “Not because they’re not good, but things work out for different reasons. It’s just a good sport to play and it doesn’t take a lot of equipment.”
Senior accounting major Solvanga Slay played three years of college and one year of intramural basketball at Simpson University. Slay now attends Sac State and plays for a women’s intramural team called We Da Best.
“I stopped college ball and wanted to keep playing because it’s fun and I love it,” Slay said.
Intramural basketball gives everyone a chance to play at the non-collegiate level. Not only is it a popular sport, but also a way to stay fit and meet new people.
“It’s a chance to make friends and hang out with other people who have similar interests. You feel such a bond and I think people look for that. There is a lot that intramural sports have to offer as far as giving that to students,” Voska said.
Jillian Kweller can be reached at [email protected].