Auditor’s Narrative: California Montessori Project
April 23, 2009
I walked into the agency at around 3:45 p.m. and talked to the woman at the front desk. I asked her if I could speak with the person who dealt with public records and she seemed a little confused by what I meant. I said I was looking for the forms 700 and the most recent ethics training records. She asked me what this was for, I said a study. Then she said I would have to come back after 8:30 the next day to talk to a woman named Elizabeth. She was helpful and courteous. I asked her for a business card but there were none for the whole organization. Then I walked out and immediately walked back in, remembering to ask if I could leave my information and request. She gave me a piece of paper to write down my request and number. I walked out of the agency around 3:50.
Elizabeth left a voice message on my phone the next day asking me to call her back with more details. I left a message and we played phone tag the next few days, the director Gary Bowman called me back to find out more about my request. He was extremely helpful and courteous and said he would be passing on my request to the attorney to process it. He asked why I was requesting the information but said he was just curious since they did not normally receive public record requests. He did not offer to allow me to come in to see the oral request I made. By the time we talked, they had already received my written request in the mail. I received a letter of determination on April 3 from their attorney Sarah J. Kollman.
CalAware Reaction (Terry Francke, General Counsel):
Twenty-five days after being asked for the Form 700s for its board and administrators – which the law requires to be provided within two days – this charter school had not responded. As to other information sought – records of staff discipline, litigation claims or settlements, expense reimbursement claims, etc.- no determination letter or even an announcement of extension had been provided 25 days later either.
Chloe Daley can be reached at [email protected].