Wood’s old post awaits voting
February 9, 2005
The ASI board of directors will meet for its first Spring 2005 meeting on Wednesday to discuss new legislation, including reforming the Election Code and a proposal to reappoint Luke Wood to his former position as vice president of academic affairs.
The Vice president of Student Affairs office ruled Wood academically ineligible to return to his position on Jan. 21.
But the two incomplete grades Wood received were apparently issued in error and have been corrected.
Wood has since re-applied for the position. Now ASI President Josh Wood has responded by introducing legislation for the Wednesday meeting to reappoint his brother Luke.
“No other applications have come in for the position,” Josh Wood said. “It comes down to experience.”
The Vice President of Academic Affairs is just one of four vacancies on the ASI board that need to be filled.
Three students have applied for the Engineering and Computer Sciences position and one person has applied for Director of Arts and Letters, according to Rita Tyk, ASI Board Associate.
ASI’s advertising for the positions, including postings in the Union and on the ASI web site, have been largely unsuccessful.
“It’s been a really poor response,” Josh Wood said.