Rally for troops held on campus
May 12, 2004
The conflict over U.S. involvement in Iraq came to SacramentoState at a rally in support of the troops on May 6 in the LibraryQuad.
The College Republicans put on the event, andmembers of that group and speakers of the event said that the rallywas meant to be nonpartisan.
Some members of the College Republicans saidthe rally was meant to encourage students at Sac State to supportAmerican troops, regardless of their beliefs about U.S. involvementin Iraq.
“This is a nonpartisan event … toshow support for the troops,” said Josh Meger, a member ofthe College Republicans. “No matter what your view on foreignpolicies, it’s important to show support for thetroops.”
As the speakers took the stage, students fromcampus organizations such as the Muslim Student Association andCampus Peace Action lined around the water fountain.
At first, the students silently held signs,which read phrases such as “Support the troops, not thewar,” and “War is terrorism.” As the rallycontinued, these students began chanting, “Support our troops&- bring them home!”
Jeffrey Allen, the president of the CollegeRepublicans, said before the rally that he expected it to turn intoa partisan event. He said that groups such as Campus Peace Actionand the Muslim Student Association misunderstood the purpose of therally.
“I don’t think they get it,”Allen said. “We’re here to support people.”
John Kincaid, the outreach coordinator forCampus Peace Action, said that his organization supports thetroops.
“If you want to talk to people whosupport (the troops), you should talk to us, because wedidn’t want to send them over there in the firstplace,” Kincaid said.
Associated Students Inc. did not vote in favorof sponsoring the rally, a decision which Allen called a”huge mistake.”
At the event, Allen encouraged students todonate money to pay for postage for a care package that the CollegeRepublicans assembled. The care package includes cases of food suchas Oreos and Slim Jims, and a binder filled with positive messagesfrom Sac State students.
Speakers at the rally included Bill Stein fromthe California Republican Veterans of America, Mike Dougas from theCollege Republicans and Sacramento County Chairman RodneyStanhope.