Who needs administration? We’ve got beer
October 31, 2001
Lately there have been a number of things happening atSacramento State that have been frustrating students and causingus to become annoyed with the administration. That is, thecancellation of Monday-Wednesday classes, closing parking lots,roosters, etc. So it is important to go over some of the things thatmake our campus great. These are usually forgotten and it is ashame we take them for granted.
First, Lassen Hall and the wonderful people at the cashier?s office.Even when lines stretch more than Donald Gerth stretches thetruth, students won?t have to wait long. Once you reach the?on-deck? circle and stand there, staring at the big bingo board thatdirects you to a window, you realize it’s pretty fun trying to figure outwhich cashier is going to be the lucky one who gets your money.And when you take your seat and look through the smudge-freeplexi-glass at the cashier, you’re greeted with nothing but smiles.Then there’s the Burger King. Good food, good service andemployees that don’t mind hooking you up with a couple of extrapackages of barbecue sauce for your chicken tenders (they alsohave ranch if you are into that kind of thing).
If you want really good food, swing by Gordito Burrito for the bestdamn tacos this side of the border.
And don?t forget, beer is served on campus! Try and tell me thatisn’t really cool.
The little fraternity signs dotting the outside of the walkways duringpledge week are always amusing. Each fraternity tries to woopledges by bragging, humor, nifty graphics or pictures of JohnBelushi in “Animal House.”
For us nerds, the Library has any book you want. And if they don’thave it, they can get it. There’s plenty of quiet space to study in.And most important, there are tales of exhibitionists who like toflash students in the library stacks.
Shasta Hall is supposedly haunted. Sweet.
And don?t forget the squirrels on campus that are totally willing tomake fools of themselves for a piece of bread or a nut. And theirony of the ROTC base being located right next to the Children?sCenter. And, of course there is the Else and Witt galleries.And last, but certainly not least, we must remember the job that themaintenance people on campus do. When was the last time yousaw a bunch of trash lying around, or a tree that was in desperateneed of a good trim. The maintenance people keep our campuslooking nice and they do it without anyone ever telling them thankyou.
The point of all of this is to encourage the student body to not viewthe recent events on campus as a reflection of Sac State as awhole. The school itself is not made up of the administration orthe parking spaces around campus. The essence of a universityis found in the students, professors and the need for learning thatbrought us here in the first place.
That being said, it is a crime that the people on this campus whodo not fall under the title of professor or student go unnoticed.This campus simply would not be able to run without the work ofthe small army of individuals who comprise the staff.
I believe it is the job of the students to question the administrationand its decisions. We are consumers and we are purchasingknowledge from the University. I also believe that every decisionthe administration makes should be put to the question of, “Howwill this affect the students?” Unfortunately, the administration hasfailed to take this into account. They have also failed to take intoaccount how much students at Sac State care about their campus.Why else would they cry out with such zeal unless they believe thatthe university as a whole — professors, students and staff — isbeing hurt by the judgments of the administration?
Ryan Flatley is an arts and entertainment writer for The StateHornet. He can be reached at [email protected].