Growing popularity of pill popping


A wise man once told me that “the only thing thatseparates doctors from other people is that doctors can prescribedrugs.” From this perspective, doctors are the leading drugdealers in the world.

Granted, doctors help others by diagnosing and counselingpatients, but this is not something that can’t be obtained byextensive reading of medical books.

The interesting phenomena is that drugs prescribed and intendedfor use as a pain treatment are being used recreationally.

Painkillers such as Vicodin, Percocet and OxyContin have becomepopular in modern popular culture. From the rich and famous to theaverage Joe everyone seems to be joining in and popping pills.

These drugs have busted out of mom’s medicine cabinet andexploded into pop culture.

Eminem mentions painkillers in his song lyrics. Othercelebrities such as musician Courtney Love and Green Bay PackerBrett Favre have admitted to addiction.

Hardly a day passes that I don’t receive a junk e-mailasking me to sign up and get my drugs online – without aprescription.

I propose that the popularity of these drug isn’t out ofnovel vanity, but a new way of “feeling good.” Like acup of coffee in the morning or bowl of cream of wheat on a rainyday.

A Vicodin or Percocet can go a long way to get you through thenext half of an otherwise uneventful day.

But users shouldn’t always be so causal about theirpills.

These drugs seem safe. After all, doctors prescribe them all thetime. However, it does not mean that they can’t beharmful

Prescription drugs are designed to do the least amount of harmto the human body, but it does not mean that they do not do theirshare of damage with long term use.

Prescription drugs effect the brain and body physically bymanipulating brain chemicals such as dopamine.

The human brain can become chemically dependent on theprescription drug, leading to biological instability.

Painkillers can also be mentally addictive. Chronic use of thedrug might cause the user to be convinced that he or she needs thedrug to behave “normally.”

Prescription drugs can have negative effects on human senses. Ithas been speculated that social critic Rush Limbaugh is going deafas the result of abusing Vicodin.

Even worse, these drugs can lead to death. According to a studyon approximately 218,000 people dieevery year as the result of abusing prescription meds, with over amillion being sent to the hospital.

A study done by the National Institute of Drug Abuse found thatthe largest increase of prescription drug use is among people 18-25years old.

This means a lot of people my age are in danger of beingovercome by these “fun” pills.

As a young person trying to get by, day-to-day addiction toanything is always around the corner. Addiction to these drugstends to start innocently as a legitimate pain treatment.

But the next thing you know, you’re stealing your doctor’sprescription pad or stealing the medication from a pharmacy orpatient. Another way is to go to Mexico and smuggle them back overthe border.

I don’t care where the drugs come from, I am moreconcerned with what they do when used.

If someone truly appreciates medical science and uses them inmoderation, then I don’t see prescription drug abuse being abig problem for our generation. However, people shouldn’t have todie before we acknowledge the danger of its popularity.

Do you need a prescription for Jason’s column?

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