New ways to conquer finals and begin winter break happily

Marisa Hildebrand

Congratulations, all! Nov. 19 marks the one-month countdown until the end of fall semester.

On Dec.19, finals week will officially come to an end and one more semester will be etched into the record books.

For some students, the semester seemed without end; but for others, the last three months were a blur of textbook pages, scantrons and Microsoft Word documents.

Denise Anaya is a senior biology student and is relieved the semester is wrapping up soon.

“Time management is a big part of [the stress],” Anaya said. “And genetics–it’s so much info crammed into little time.”

This semester also marks the end of organic chemistry for Anaya, a subject in which she shakes her head and says, “It’s pretty bad.”

Nicole Melido is a freshman pre-nursing student and is too busy prioritizing immediate stressors to think about the end of semester.

“There are thousands of applicants [in the nursing program],” Melido said about her competitive major. “You need to have straight-As and I’m on the edge of a B+/A-.”

But don’t let last-minute stressors ruin the holidays.

Chegg (commonly known for stocking students with discount books) has some tips for staying track for that last month stretch in their article “Top 10 Tips for Beating the Mid-Semester Slump.”

Though all of the tips are helpful, here are a few of the most memorable and applicable.

1. Find a new study nook. The change of scenery can help create a new study mood.

2. Join a study group and share the commitment to succeed.

4. Take advantage of TA’s and professor office hours. Their wealth of information is endless and the one-on-one attention is worth tuition.

5. Don’t dwell on past quizzes or tests. Start with a fresh mindset and move forward.

Christine Mariano is a sophomore pre-nursing student and said although the semester was “a little bumpy,” fall semester always seems to fly by compared to spring.

The January through May stretch of spring semester can seem tortuous and spring break is often a cruel tease, but fall semester is a whirlwind of Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving and preparing for the winter holiday season.

Just like that, there’s one month left. Though there is still work to be done, students are looking forward to holiday festivities, trips and just plain relaxing.

Mariano said she already has her plane tickets booked and she is ready to fly home to Maui after finals.

Though Melido is feeling overwhelmed with first semester stress, she said her family may be going to San Francisco over the break for some much-needed relaxing.

Hang in there, students, you are almost there.