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The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

Andrew Stiffler, Author

All content by Andrew Stiffler

Sac State police aim to connect with campus

Andrew Stiffler
September 18, 2014

Often seen as just a badge, the Sacramento State Police Department attempted to close the gap between officers and the campus community by hosting the third annual Coffee with a Cop, Tuesday at the Well.Hosted...

Stiffler v. Stifler: I do have a first name

Andrew Stiffler
December 7, 2005

For my last article I could have written about many different topics, many of which are important to us as students, and Americans. Sure, I could have written about global warming, the war in Iraq, aftermath...

New Xbox system more 180 than 360

Andrew Stiffler
November 30, 2005

Within the past few years Microsoft has been going head to head with Sony and Nintendo to try to attract as many gamers to its home console, the Xbox. While never reaching as much success as Sony reached...

Voting’s importance is not understood

Andrew Stiffler
November 16, 2005

Last week, Californian's were given the chance to vote on seven different propositions in Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's special election. Unfortunately, like most elections statewide or nationwide, voter...

Alito nomination sets up a battle

Andrew Stiffler
November 9, 2005

Two weeks ago President George W. Bush nominated Samuel Alito as his latest nominee for the vacant seat on the Supreme Court. While the previous nominee Harriet Miers withdrew her nomination due to her...

Who is to blame for the games?

Andrew Stiffler
November 2, 2005

Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto (GTA) series has been the latest whipping boy in politician's bag of trick for political spotlight. Rockstar's latest GTA, San Andreas, received much attention after PC gamers...

Music industry: Tune in to mp3 downloading

Andrew Stiffler
October 25, 2005

I pointed out three weeks ago the popularity of Apple's iPod. Likewise, the popularity of MP3s has emerged as a heavy hitting force for both consumers and the Recording Industry Association of America...

What students need: Their A’s and Zzzz’s

Andrew Stiffler
October 11, 2005

As my alarm blares at a refreshing 6:30 a.m. I find myself stumbling out of bed. Fifteen minutes later I am driving to school to make my first class at 8:00 am. Going through the first 3 classes is easy,...

There’s too much ‘I’ in the iPod craze

Andrew Stiffler
October 4, 2005

Walking down the walkways and halls of Sacramento State, I notice things. Sure, I see the posters of upcoming events on campus, and job openings, but recently I have noticed something about the student...

Stats are in: Students don’t need any more cup o’ joes

Andrew Stiffler
September 27, 2005

Sacramento State is getting yet another Java City. Yes, one more location for all those caffeine addicted junkies to get their fix. Okay, maybe it isn't fair to call them junkies, but really, do we need...

New campus logo deserves 2nd glance

Andrew Stiffler
September 20, 2005

It has been three weeks since the unveiling of the new Sacramento State logo, designed by Osaki Design. Reaction to the new logo has been mixed. The new logo appears as a torch accompanied by a flame in...

Caught in the Web of Internet gaming

Andrew Stiffler
September 13, 2005

My party and I approached the ledge cautiously. We had just ventured through the dangerous Redridge Mountains, and now before us stood a large group of violent orcs. We prepared for battle; we knew their...

Right job is out there; finding it is the key

Andrew Stiffler
August 30, 2005

Many students have seen those tiny strips of paper with phone numbers on them. They usually include information on a particular job opening on or around campus. Some students may have pulled one. It may...

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