SEEN: ‘Greek’ disappoints again in episode six

Daniel Vasilchuk

The sixth episode of “Greek” reeks with disappointment and does not have enough conflict to really push it along. There is the occasional new character development here and there, but the Greek life that was such a driving force in the first season of the show is long gone.

There are rarely any crazy parties anymore. Not unless you consider an alumnae party a big rush. No rowdy guys and gals high on excitement and binge drinking. It seems like the show has been watered down a lot.

In this episode, Jordan, Rusty’s loyal girlfriend, does what viewers might have expected of her from the way previous episodes were going. Her disinterest with academics experiences an all-time high. Rusty attempts to mend her college career, but does not realize that it is not what Jordan wants.

No matter what Rusty does, Jordan just goes her own way in the end. Whether this is good news or bad news for their relationship, only time will tell.

Casey finds a new guy, Nate, to flirt with during the Zeta Beta Zeta event for the alumnae. She falls for him, and her ex-boyfriends, Cappie and Evan, attempt to pull her away. Only in the end does she find out that Nate is truly a scumbag.

Cappie and Evan continue keeping their friendship under wraps from Casey, for now at least. And Ashleigh finally forgives Rebecca for making out with her boyfriend Fisher.

But, in the words of the band Linkin Park: “In the end it does not even matter.” Except for tying a few loose ends, episode six barely moves anything along and seems weak in comparison with the last episode.

Daniel Vasilchuk can be reached at [email protected]