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The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

Samantha Hinrichs, Author

All content by Samantha Hinrichs

Homeless at Salvation Army get helping hand from Sacramento State Students

Samantha Hinrichs
December 1, 2004

Two years ago I passed by the dumpsters to the side of Brighton Hall. A tall, thin man was sorting the recyclables into an ingeniously made system of bags hanging off his bicycle. I stopped to ask him...

Graduating transfer student has some advice for President Gonzalez

Samantha Hinrichs
November 3, 2004

I've attended, stressed about, adored and despaired about this school since I started in 2001 as a transfer student. I wasn't thrilled about my decision to come to Sac State-- there are no brick buildings...

CFA hosts roundtable featuring Huffington, Angelides and Travis

Samantha Hinrichs
April 28, 2004

Arianna Huffington, columnist and political commentator, visitedcampus this afternoon as a participant in the California FacultyAssociation's roundtable discussion on budget cuts. State TreasurerPhil Angelides...

Peep this: Alumnus holds annual post-Easter event

Samantha Hinrichs
April 20, 2004

Samantha Hinrichs State Hornet Susan, a first time contender is primed and ready. "My strategy is milk, I think I can wash them down withmilk." She anxiously looks at the pastel colored boxes ofEaster-time...

New Business Administration Dean

Samantha Hinrichs
March 30, 2004

Sacramento State announced a new dean of business administrationon Friday. Dr. Sanjay Varshney will replace Felicenne Ramey, wholeft the position last year. The search for a new businessadministration...

You’ll miss us this Wednesday

Samantha Hinrichs
March 30, 2004

The State Hornet will not be published until Thursday, April 1,because of the school holiday observed on Wednesday, March 31 inhonor of Cesar Chavez. We will be published and out in the racks for Thursdaymorning....

Copper and paper craftiness in union show

Samantha Hinrichs
March 24, 2004

Katherine Venturelli's show "Universal Language" opening tonight at the University Union Gallery is one of sublime subtlety. A recipient of the R. Bell Printmaking fellowship, Venturelli proves her skill....

Bush party chokes on truth about WMDs in ‘Uncovered’ documentary

Samantha Hinrichs
March 10, 2004

Political movies are not usually hot. I mean, politics is generally left to those who love detail and the minutiae of obscure personal behavior. However, "Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq War"...

Curvy women show determination and equality

Samantha Hinrichs
March 3, 2004

"Real Women Have Curves" is a play that entertains and challenges. Entirely based within the factory sweatshop run by 24-year-old Estela (Daisy K. Espinosa) we are asked to see the outside world -- men,...

S/BAD ‘Soul Food’ dishes up vibrant dance performance

Samantha Hinrichs
February 25, 2004

Soul Food, Sacramento/Black Art of Dance's production at Solano Hall, was hearty dance dished up with intelligence and verve. The hour and a half performance delved into the meat and potatoes of the black...

Online Dating: The Future is Now

Samantha Hinrichs
February 11, 2004

"I don't have time to date!" Laura Andrews said when asked about dating on the Internet. "I'm not interested." A Math and Computer Science junior, her books crowd her notebook off the table. It seems ironic...


Samantha Hinrichs
December 11, 2002

When looking back on this semester, the writers and I thought that we would give you a glimpse into our side of things, allowing you to see a little of what it takes to produce a student run paper. The...

More on Non-Lethal Weapons

Samantha Hinrichs
December 4, 2002

Two weeks ago, I reported upon the billions of dollars that the Department of Defense is spending upon new military techniques. I introduced the movement to stop the militarisation of space that has been...

Scary but true: Non-lethal weapons

Samantha Hinrichs
November 20, 2002

Recently, I was listening to my local radio station and two people were being interviewed about the Space Preservation Act (HR 3616)that was introduced in the House of Representatives by congressman Dennis...

A pencil test tells us nothing

Samantha Hinrichs
November 13, 2002

More and more, we have a society that bases one's value on material acquisitions and external achievements. It is easy to see this when we try to remember the last time someone complimented you on your...

Palestine Misprepresented

Samantha Hinrichs
November 6, 2002

One of the most vocal of all our hundreds of campus groups is the Students for Justice in Palestine. On Friday of last week, SJP sponsored a benefit for an orphanage in Bethlehem. Some students volunteered...

Scaring ourselves way too much

Samantha Hinrichs
October 30, 2002

Halloween comes from a long line of harvest spirit fests. When the world around us is dying in preparation for Winter's rest, we tend to think of those who have died before us. In the Celtic tradition,...

Consider the costs of Prop. 47

Samantha Hinrichs
October 22, 2002

Well, it's getting to be voting time, and we have a ballot measure that would directly affect students. Proposition 47, or "The Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2002" which...

Ashcroft’s attack on CSU

Samantha Hinrichs
October 15, 2002

We'll all be much safer this coming January. According to a press release from the California State University Chancellor's office, the CSU system is joining with PeopleSoft Inc. to track all the foreign...

The actual cost of democracy

Samantha Hinrichs
October 8, 2002

Humans are obedient creatures. If you hand a friend something, they will take it even if it is a piece of trash. Then they'll say, "I don't want this!" We like to do what is expected. A funny thing about...

Eating disorders due to dichotomy

samantha hinrichs
October 1, 2002

Sacramento State is populated with an inordinate amount of beautiful women. While interviewing two men a few weeks ago, I watched as their eyes glazed over and they ate up the strolling students passing...

46 million down the drain

Samantha Hinrichs
September 24, 2002

California has been listed on the "hot spot". list. Not because we have Glamourwood and sleek San Francisco, but because we are one of the regions of the world that will run out of fresh water first. Many...

War talks met with little support

Samantha Hinrichs
September 17, 2002

President Bush gave a brilliant speech the day after September 11, launching his latest project, a military strike on Iraq. Riding the coattails of grief, Bush has attempted to sway the United Nations,...

We learned our lessons

Samantha Hinrichs
September 10, 2002

Let?s forget 9/11. I was reading an opinion piece and this was the author?s main point. He was tired of all this rehashing, of the images, of the tragedy. At first, I sympathized with him. We do seem to...

The year in review

Samantha Hinrichs
May 14, 2002

There is nothing like a list to arbitrarily sum everything up. In that vein, here is my list of what we learned this year: 1. There is still hope. Even though it seems like the United States is at war...

Have a car? Get rid of it!

Samantha Hinrichs
May 7, 2002

In a fit of early twenty-something melodrama, I once drove around the country with a friend. I ended up covering 10,000 miles in 2 1/2 months. During that time, I saw expanses of beautiful country, bunches...

Let’s get freaky!

Samantha Hinrichs
April 30, 2002

When I came to this campus last semester, the thing that impressed me more than the number of students on campus, and the diversity of ethnicity of our population, was the overwhelming lack of diversity...

A time for prayer and peace

Samantha Hinrichs
April 23, 2002

I offer this column to pray for us all, and highlight concerns necessary for a more humane world. I pray that the values of conflict resolution, non-violence, consensus and service will become part of...

Time to go solar

Samantha Hinrichs
April 15, 2002

I don?t drive, so I?ve been able to forego the enjoyment of parking on campus. Since I?ve started riding to school with a friend, cutting my commute down by an hour. While hiking in from the Overflow Lot,...

Israeli aid: Funding death

Samantha Hinrichs
April 9, 2002

The United States gives $3 billion per year to our friend Israel, which comes out to 40 percent of the foreign aid budget. I like Costa Rica, but we don?t give them anything, and India with it?s millions...

Obesity a design issue

Samantha Hinrichs
April 3, 2002

We are creatures of our environments, reacting to the stimuli that surround us. Now that so much of our time is spent within man-made environments, we have a unique dilemma. Not only must we make a multitude...

Job search difficult, not compared to decade statistics

Samantha Hinrichs
April 3, 2002

Recent college graduates will have a harder time finding work than they would have in the past two years, but not compared to the rest of the decade. In 2000 and 2001, the job market was booming, and the...

Below the bombs: The real war in Afghanistan

Samantha Hinrichs
March 13, 2002

In some of the heaviest attacks on Afghanistan thus far, American forces dropped 350 bombs in one day, south of the Afghan city of Gardez, according to The New York Times. One of those bombs was the "thermobaric...

Keep it on ladies

Samantha Hinrichs
March 5, 2002

It?s feeling like spring, folks! The daffodils have popped up, the forsythia is a-blooming, and out comes the blushing bellies of hundreds of midriffs. As I walk around campus, pants drop down, shirts...

Support your local faculty

Samantha Hinrichs
February 27, 2002

Classes are crowded, while at the same time students clamor to get the classes they need for graduation. In the Communication Studies department, 21 new part-time faculty need to be hired. Trying to find...

How the people got Lay-ed

Samantha Hinrichs
February 20, 2002

The Enron scandal: what is really going on? There are so many different angles to this muddled mess of an energy-trading corporation that it is difficult to sort it all out. From what I can tell, the collapse...

Enron: The California perspective

Samantha Hinrichs
February 20, 2002

A California Senate committee voted to seek criminal charges against the notorious energy trader Enron for concealing evidence and conspiracy, according to The Washington Post. The committee to Investigate...

Rich getting richer, poor getting poorer

Samantha Hinrichs
February 13, 2002

If you read my column last week, you would know about the World Economic Forum, and the protests sponsored by The Students for Global Justice are the hot topics right now in world news. I?m sure that a...

On the slings and arrows of globalization

Samantha Hinrichs
February 6, 2002

Last week, the World Economic Forum will began in New York City, our nation?s economic center. About 3000 delegates attended this invite-only event, each paying $7,300 to attend, and the corporations that...

On Martin Luther King Day

Samantha Hinrichs
January 28, 2002

I gathered with members of my community last week at a gospel concert in honor of Martin Luther King. I looked around at many recognizable faces, some well dressed doctors, some loosely draped hippies...

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