To cut or not to cut: does circumcision matter?

Ashley Jung

Length and girth are no longer the main categories in determining the performance of a penis; let me introduce you to a new one: circumcision.

Circumcision was believed to prevent penile infection or disease, but a study done by the American Academy of Pediatricians found no absolute medical need for the procedure. Although the same study by the American Academy of Pediatricians did show those who are circumcised have a 60 percent lower chance of contracting and transmitting HIV than those who are not.

According to WebMD, two-thirds of newborn males are circumcised and although this practice has been around since Egyptian times, the practice of circumcision is dying out.

While some religions still hold true to the tradition, states many medical “societies have taken an impartial view” on the matter.

I had my first encounter with an uncircumcised man a few years back. Before then, I didn’t really know what to expect when confronted by one and was very naive. At the time I was dating him for about a month and was ready to take it to the next step.

Before that night, all we had done was kiss so it was like going zero to 60 in a matter of seconds. Before I knew it, his pants were off and he was sliding down his boxers. I was a little freaked out when I saw it for the first time – it looked like a little breakfast sausage.

He had to have known what I was thinking by my facial reaction because he looked at me like I was crazy. He had this wide – eyed stare that made me really awkward – it was like he was trying to peel off layers of my skin with his mind. He quickly looked away and explained he was uncircumcised.

Since then, I have found no difference between men who were circumcised or not. If a man knows how to use his body to please his partner, that’s all that matters.

A poll taken by the Hornet showed that seven out of 10 female Sac State students had no preference while the other three preferred circumcised.

Some men believe there is increased sensitivity when a penis is uncircumcised.

“For guys who are uncircumcised, having that little extra makes the tip more sensitive since it’s not exposed constantly,” said bartender Jon Delzer. “So sometimes it ‘pops’ a little quicker. “

Sensitivity plays a huge role in how long a sex session can last, and how many times a man is able to get it up in one day.

While a study by the department of urology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York found little difference in sensitivity between men who were circumcised and uncircumcised, it really comes down to the man.

“It depends on my partner’s sex drive, but for me – five minutes and I’m back in the saddle, “ said Delzer.

Another uncircumcised man I dated was the complete opposite of Hank. He was not shy about his body at all and took pride in knowing he was different than most males. He had stamina and strength and was incredible in bed. He blew any doubt I may have had of uncircumcised men out of the water.

Normally, society frowns upon the different, but this is a circumstance that should be embraced.

I feel there has always been a stigma around uncircumcised penises that made women fear them. I want to tear that down. Ladies, if you have any concerns, I suggest you drop them. Yes, uncircumcised may have been taboo back in the day when every male was circumcised but the times have changed. More men are uncircumcised and there is no shame in that.

If you are unsure – don’t be. You might find you enjoy a hot dog with a bun.


Ashley can be reached at: [email protected]