The student news site of Sacramento State University

April 26, 2020

Physical activity is an important aspect of staying healthy mentally and physically while sheltering at home.

“I get in funks, when there’s like nothing to do and I’m feeling lazy, I’m not feeling great and every time I make myself work out, I feel so much better,” Plessas said. “The hormones in your body change after working out and it lets off those positive endorphins and you just feel clear-headed.” 

Here are some helpful exercise tips: 

Try body weight exercises

Caleb Arbona, a Sac State kinesiology major and trainer for three years, had suggestions for working out during quarantine.

“Challenge yourself with body weight exercises,” Arbona said. “Try to beat your previous goals, improve yourself and set goals with body weight exercises such as pushups, situps, different types of crunches, lunges, squats, knee ups, leg lifts, dips, burpees, jumping jacks, planks, wall sits, butt kicks, and switch from lower body and upper body workouts.” 

Go for a (socially distant) run, walk or jog

Even though you can’t be social outside, you’re still allowed to walk and exercise outside as long as you’re maintaining social distancing,” Arbona said. “So, I’ve been telling my clients to exercise outside where they can.”

For a quick, effective workout, try an intense full body circuit

Plessas suggested sticking to a 20-30 minute full body workout. 

“It’s just working smarter,” Plessas said. “You can literally work out for like 15 minutes and get a killer workout. But that whole 15 minutes you need to be moving and using your body and keeping the intensity up.”

RELATED: How to stay fit while staying inside 

Use common household objects to your advantage 

“People use things around their house or kitchen like pots and pans with water and lift it up over their head,” Hamler said. “Do some strength exercises. If your place has stairs, then run up and down the stairs a few times. If you have a jump rope, that is something that can easily be done.”

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